Phil Mirzoev's blog

Friday, September 16, 2011

Palestine turned to UN: why not long before?

It is only surprising why Palestine haven't applied for statehood with the UN long long before with the full right and grounds to do so... Why is UN is here if not for this? To be honest, to grant a recognition to Palestine on the part of UN nation would be a much more legal and legitimate act than recognition of Kosovo or Libyan rebel government. So the procedure should have been initiated long ago and it is not a question weather it will succeed formally at once, it is a very important step to show that independence of Palestine is not a question of STRIKING A DEAL with Israel and that Israel being an AGGRESSOR AND OCCUPANT is a fact regardless of any deals or negotiations. The conflict between rapist and and his victim is not and cannot be a matter of bilateral negotiation between those two, especially with an involvement of a powerful friend of the rapist as a mediator - a friend, who supplies weapons for the rape. Independence and self-determination of Palestinian nation must be business of international community and intl. law ONLY, not one of an interested occupant party and its prejudiced friends like US (the number of those friend actually has dropped to and become limited to the US only till this moment). Likewise the role of Israel in the eyes of international community must be changed from just that of a party of 'civil matter negotiations' - someone like a strict father who is ostensibly to give some property to his bad son if he behaves - to an involved criminal usurper, for which all those negotiations are no more than a set of unrealizable conditions which a blackmailer gives to his victim just to continue the game and keep the victim from full despair and turning to the police. World community too after half a century of the Israeli occupation must come to its senses have the courage to recognize the difference between 'negotiations mistakes' and 'rape', between 'family quarrel' and 'child abuse' etc.
In other words it has become the case very long before now that the Israel-Palestine question has ceased to be an internal question of two parties, just like the question of Serbia and Kosovo or Turks and Greeks on Cyprus, Gaddafi and rebel government or any question of a raper and a victim - it CANNOT BE CONSIDERED ANY MORE and internal bilateral question - its the business of international community to decide. And the application for sovereignty by Palestine to UN must have been done long ago just to fix, to formally REGISTER the state of things, to make a formal statement that Palestine is raped AGAINST her wishes and this cannot be considered a 'usual family quarrel' any more

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

911 anniversary: terrorists celebrate victory

With great sadness one should recognize that the 9/11 attack on America by terrorists brought them a major victory beyond any expectations, if the results are to be judged critically.
Anti-American terrorists achieved their single most important goal: to TERRORIZE the USA, to force America with the power of fear and panic to change her ways, to act irrationally, to dent her own values, to kill even more American people in the form of American boys and girls in uniform, to forfeit her reputation and disfigure her image in the eyes of the whole world, to lose much of her weight and power because of weakening her international standing, to cripple the USA economically through an unprecedented, unbearable burden of war-related costs and lost momentum in the civil reinvestment, reforms and development, to mar her moral image and leadership in the eyes even the closest of her allies in the West.
Hardly ever could Osama and other terrorists have dreamed in their sweetest dreams that the killing of 3000 people at World Trade Center would be 'supplemented' by killing yet another 5000 American girls and boys in uniform; that the US get involved in two major wars at once; that the Americans would give in to panic so much that allow such 'pathological men' like Bush to rule 2 terms and to do the terrorist's work - intimidating people - for them; that Patriotic acts and other 'laws, Guantanamo, anti-Muslim hysteria in the American society would damage the very pillar of American liberal and humane values; that the corruption decay in power would bring such vermin like Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz to the highest positions of power, making the head of state not only the first mentally handicapped president of the USA for the first time in its history, but also bringing the rule of the superpower to the brink of being a puppet state. Hardly ever did the terrorists imagined that the ruling political elites would substitute for them and complete their task of terrorizing of America: they got a multiplier effect of unseen proportions in a case, where American Government happened to be a partner in the crime of terrorism, who just finished the task to an absolute ugly perfection.
Unfortunately its very very hard to assess the true 'cosmic' scale of the damage caused by the attack of 911  - precisely because its main aim of terrorizing of the American population and elites has been achieved, and the great country lost its ability to think RATIONALLY and CRITICALLY. Symbolically the terrorists could hardly have dared to hope that America wouldn't restore the twins to the former splendor, magnificence and beauty, demonstrating her real spiritual resistance, invulnerability and stubbornness: in contrast it was decided to make at this place a kind memorial to perpetuate the festering wound for many years ahead, demonstrating not the resilience, but the scale of damage and tragedy inflicted by those terrorists butchers. 
Having said that, I would also remind of the role of American Government in the incident. While there's no doubt that the terrorists acts were organized and executed by radical fundamentalists, the question of what the American Government KNEW before and whether it really WANTED to do everything in its power to prevent this attack is still a very big and important question. Unlike conspiracy theorists, who always blame governments in direct organization of some crimes against their nations, in reality governments DON'T NEED to do this to satisfy their interests: they just allow something to happen with a higher probability because of the knowledge and delayed reactions - something induced by the 'external' circumstances and forces. There's still a hell of a lot of questions about the role of the American government from this standpoint as well as about the 'selfless' hunt for Bin Laden, who, as everyone knew, had been sitting in Pakistan for many years, but was killed a year before reelection of the US president.
I hope that the American People will finally get to grips with their political Augean stables of their house and clean them. I hope that American people will really start fighting, not breeding, terror; and it will be done not by criminal opportunists like Cheney, not by the bull-headed blood-thirsty generals, but by PROFESSORS and SCIENTISTS in sociology, psychology and other fields.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Note about the US pressure on Assad in Syria

Comment of Washington about necessity for Assad to go is something rather irrelevant and unhelpful, and not because Syria wouldn't be better without Assad (maybe), but because the moral authority of the US over the region where it deliberately had fostered, cherished and weaponized dictators (and continue to do so in Bahrein, Saudi Arabia, Yemen etc, despite the situation there is not so different from Syria) is virtually ZERO! They, Washington, just now trying not to fall behind the actual events and all their comments directed not at actual help to Syrians but to saving their own face, though I don't see what there is left to be saved...
1st stage of enlightenment: I understood that USA never ever in its recent history has been interested in spreading democracy round the world. 2nd stage of enlightenment: I understood that US has always actively been interested in the opposite - containment of democratic development in other parts of the world. What Syria changes? Why not to talk about Bahrein, Azerbaidjan, Uzbekistan, the 'pet' Yement etc etc etc? My foot, the USA talking about Assad bad guy - fancy that! And lecture Europe on how to abstain from... buying oil from Syria!! All comics and satirical writers can retire, they are not needed any more!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A note about India disparity and corruption problems

The problem is still the same: India like many other countries tried to build its state and country after the very obsolete and semi-democratic capitalistic model of the USA, which belongs to 19th century and gives the Americans themselves a hell of a lot of problems nowadays. But India (and other young democracies, for example in Eastern Europe) would better follow the example of much more advanced and modern democracies like Finland, Sweden etc. Then if India had done so she would have had a chance to avoid all the 'bouquet' of problems which the USA had to go through in the past, and have a true democracy, not a class-based semi-democracy, that has come to a very serious moral, ideological and economic crisis.
The same goes for Egypt: if (and that's a big if) it's revolution should be successful in the foreseeable future, by no means should Egypt step on the same 'mine' and try to mimic American model. Nothing could be more terrible than this. Learn from Scandinavia, or, at least, from Germany and South Korea.

Friday, July 29, 2011

About the probability of success of Egypt's revolution

I really doubt that so far a real revolution has taken place in Egypt - no hard proof of that, alas. There occurred the toppling of Mubarak's regime by the military, who used popular support and the moment. I don't understand at all where all this infatuation with and enthusiasm for the military many Egyptian people feel comes from, since the military have never ever been a great fan of democracy, almost by definition - like a wolf playing the role of a custodian of a flock of ship.  Conscious revolutionaries would never ever have let the military get into power, let alone stay there as a 'temporary' guarantor of democracy. Military as a guarantor of democracy! Ha ha- the shortest funny story I've ever heard of. The military has been built and created for absolutely different purposes - to KILL PEOPLE or to manage them WITH FORCE - military force at that, and defend the ruling regime (itself included if this ruling regime is headed by the military) by force.
Anyway, let's hope that this situation has a short-term potential of development into something bigger than a trivial banal military dictatorship.
Then first thing to do is to throw the military out of power and out of office ahead of their screams and, subsequently put very tight limits on their powers in the Constitution FOR GOOD. The same goes for the intelligence and other special services. Both - the army and special  services must not  only be limited but also made utterly transparent: no 'state secrecy' any more in the form it's been known, any info which is to be made a secret must be unrestrictedly accessible for Parliament committees and some other independent controlling bodies, preferable public and publicly controlled directly too. Parliament committees must have not only an unrestricted access to any info and activity of those with weapons in their hands, but also supreme rights to monitor and control the activity, conduct special investigations and make public reports thereon.
Second, politically, there needs to be formed PEOPLE'S temporary governing body with great powers and only this could promise a good start now and some fundamental change. This organ must be composed only and only of socially significant figures who have NEVER EVER had anything to do with either former government and parliament, nor with any powerful government agency. Who have never been in politics at all. The history of every member of such people's counsel must be accessible to everyone in infinite details from the cradle to the first kiss, including the every single movement to the toilet. Then at least two elections to parliament must be planned at once by this body, organized and fulfilled. Every candidate must be cleaned for 120%, any detail of his biography must be accessible publicly. Only and only then there could be some tangible hope that this so called revolution could turn into some concrete fruits and bring some irreversible democratic change. Court proceedings and huge criminal prosecutions of the champions of the old regime must continue non-stop PUBLICLY. Lustration must be done on a national scale, and be of an unprecedented proportions, scope and clarity. EVERY SINGLE EGYPTIAN who directly or indirectly was involved in or connected with the former political system must be known to everyone.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A few comments on Norway apocalypse

To protect a country from such scale bombing and shooting two VERY SIMPLE things must be done: BAN gun possession & ammonium nitrate (this type of fertilizer) free sale. I understand this simple measure, that means any professional understood and understands this simple thing even better. Any specialized Government agency - its specialized anti-terrorist and explosion professionals - have known this for all their life. What can prevent anybody in Norway from bombing Norway? NOTHING, cos anybody can go to the garden shop by ammonium nitrate and make as much explosive as he wants. Any specialist knows it. All those governments including Norwegian one have talked for many years about their cooperative measures and info exchanges in their self-less fight against terrorism, and none of them have answered the simple question: 'What has been done to prevent ANYBODY who wants to blow up the country from easily doing so with ammonium nitrate?' NOTHING have been done DESPITE that there's not a shade of doubt that any man in the relevant agencies at least a bit closely connected professionally with this sphere. understood and understands the simple possibility of making explosives and explosions at will at any place at any time for anyone. WHY?? And who is to blame? They know that it is possible and no obstacles were on the way for anyone to commit an explosion, but NO-THING has been done. The only answer - they, government, from the very first DIDN'T WANT to close this possibility, though they could do so in a matter of a day. The same goes for small arms selling, possession and carrying. Is it so difficult to predict that with the current weapons laws anyone can organize in Norway '911' at will? Didn't the Government understand it?? Of course it did. That's their cooperative fight against terrorism for you. That's the protection they give you for your money. That's the importance of 'anti-terrorist wars' they wage in other countries at the expense of your, dear Norwegians, LIVES and money. Get it, taste it and eat it whole!
Now of course atrocious politicians will try do the everything in their power to turn a psychological and safety protection problem into a political one, try cynically to derive maximum dividends from this tragedy giving an impression of their importance and indispensability, giving the problem as much political color as  possible, although the only political objective consequence of this is that Police and Government of Norway should be criminally prosecuted for doing ZERO in terms of REAL provision of safety.
Can a man out of boredom start a war against a whole country, just to get into the history books? Easily, cos technically possible - Norway, and because there are ALWAYS a small percent of men never valuing the human life as such. So many all sorts of shoot-outs have been in the USA and Europe, but the scale was smaller because the lack of planning.
Can a man out of boredom start a war against a whole country, just to get into the history books? Easily, cos technically possible - Norway. There will be lots of political insinuations, but it looks like the problem and motives are closer to the grim prophecy of the movie 'Natural Born Killers' by Oliver Stone.
But a question must arise for Norwegians: why do they hold & pay their police & army? Wage war in Iraq & Afg? To patrol Oslo after a carnage with serious faces and frowned brows keeping up the pretense of having control and caring for safety of the people? No attack on democracy in Norway: such things happen because of lack of democracy: lack of people's control over the efficiency of Govt agencies, incl army police and intelligence.
Fact #1: no police on the island
Fact #2: police arrived only... wait for it... 40 min (!!) after the call to the island! They fight in Afghanistan, Iraq and God knows where else as they as to bring the good and SECURITY to some distant corners of the world and nations, but when it comes to protection of NORWEGIANS they come in 40 min, give an allowance for a terrorist to go the shop and restore the supply of ammunition if it wasn't sufficient to kill all people on the island. My foot! Even in slow Australia ambulance by helicopter reaches any site of the continent in less than 40 min, including the most inhabited wild areas of the bush. They fight with terrorism... If anyone at all fights with terrorism, its guys like Julian Assange and Bradly, keeping in mind who are the main terrorists - people in power, who like talk about democracy, but who are very little controlled by too poor semi-democracy and who do everything in their power to keep in place the gaping holes and the doors open for everyone who wants to blow the nation. Why no democracy in operation? Because Norwegians don't have any control over the governmental agencies and cannot influence their effectiveness.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Why did the West start a war against Gaddafi but not against Syria?

Needless to say how reluctant the West was to utter a single word against Yemen bloody government or against Bahrain etc for a lot of 'special interests' and 'special relationships'. There's also little doubt that relatively 'inimical' Syria traditionally used by the USA in its rhetoric as 'a medium strength bad guy' has been and still is all in all to the liking of the same USA and the West in general so long as it is not a democracy (one of the main priorities of the foreign policy of the West being to keep the privilege of democracy from the Middle East as long as possible) and is not a military or economic threat (no difference for that matter from Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan etc etc). So this is too a self-explanatory question why the West has held out hope to the last that the Syrian government at last will be successful in suppressing its people and regaining the full state control (so that the traces of all the killings could be cleared and relegated to the category of 'suspected but not proved).
But as I see, there are still a lot of misunderstanding and delusion among the public about the belated but inexorable decision of the USA and other Western countries to get rid of - actually just KILL Gaddafi - a butcher and terrorist much worse and better proven than the recently killed Bin Laden, Gaddafi who up until recently had been to the liking of the West SO MUCH that had been not only completely legitimized and legalized by the latter, but embraced, kissed, wooed in all manner of ways and invited to all sort of parties personally by |Western leaders as a guest of honor.
Why did the West in general and the US in particular finally (however reluctantly and belatedly) take a decision to get rid of Gaddafi? The answer, I believe, is very simple. They - Western governments - just didn't have any other way-out of this situation (though, they DESPERATELY searched for one - no doubts about this). Otherwise, if they didn't, there would arise a ridiculously and most obviously and unprecedentedly 'perverse' and unhidden situation where after the Gaddafi crushed the rebellion the West would just continue oil business with him as unusual, despite the fact that the huge 'genocidal' killings and tortures by Gaddafi of its own people would be a 120% proven fact - just something like continuing the blossoming trade and investment relations with Hitler after the Holocaust had become a PROVEN fact. It would destroy to the ground and for evermore all this, however already flimsy, house of cards of the Western 'high moral democratic grounds', the myth about its promoting and supporting democratic values around the globe beyond the borders of its nations (of cause not all western democratic countries belong to 'the West' in this context, but an overwhelming majority of them; I don't want to blame e.g. Sweden which neither was involved in the sweet oil friendship with Gaddafi nor even bought a barrel of oil from Libya ). Of cause, there would be an ethically acceptable middle way - just leaving Libya alone with huge sanctions, denying its leaders from entry for good, freezing their accounts for good etc, and... of course (!) STOPPING BUYING OIL from Gaddafi and freezing all the oil investment projects there... But this quite legitimate way would be UNACCEPTABLE for the... of course.. these magic words trumping any morals, ethics and values, and justifying anything on Earth (if there's no direct PROOF of the crimes on a scale of Holocaust with thousands of skulls found and revealed publicly)  - 'SPECIAL INTERESTS'! - a key word combination which even Nobel prize laureate Obama is absolutely not shy about using as an argument for everything going against democracy in the rest of the world. Those special 'wallet interests' which for the USA and many of their Western allies in the end measure any democratic values and those very 'high moral grounds' in the units of oil barrels....