Phil Mirzoev's blog

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

US Goal In Designing And Fueling the Russo-Ukrainian War: IT IS ALL ABOUT EUROPE!

By Phil Mirzoev, May 17/2022

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Amidst all the emotional razzle-dazzle going on around the war in Ukraine, whipped up by propaganda on all sides of this conflict, even for those, who manage to keep a clear mind and good rational understanding of what is really going on in terms of the parties to, motivations behind and scale of this Russian-Ukrainian war, it's easy to forget or miss some of the most important questions in all this tragic story.

Before anything else, I have to clarify that all the inferred parts of the article present my personal opinions, apart from those that explicitly refer to some other persons or common knowledge or widely held prevailing assumptions.

I also have to clarify that neither the object of my analysis nor the motives have anything to do with trying to make any moral justifications for Russia or Ukraine or anyone else for that matter. Nor do I in anyway diminish the horrible depth of suffering that the Ukrainian people are going through because of this proxy-war, and personally I hope and pray that this war will end as soon as possible with as few lives lost as possible. This war in theory was preventable many times during the past decade, and can be stopped even now, if it wasn't for the fact that all the parties who have conditioned and triggered this war seem to have very little desire to do so.

I myself have always been and am a big proponent of strong, independent, secure and democratic Ukraine and this wish of mine for the Ukraine can only be matched by my confidence that the membership in or informal alliance with NATO was and is (and will be) the most disastrous thing that could only happen to Ukraine and the most effective recipe of how to prevent Ukraine from achieving all of those.

But these topics don't really belong in the present discussion and analysis.

First, the bottom line upfront, and after that I will try to explain the situation more in detail.

1. The kinetic war between Russia and Ukraine is a secondary proxy-war for the war that has been started between the West and Russia, and this main war has been started by the collective West where the collective West is represented, guided and involved into this war specifically by the Anglo-West, mostly the US and the UK. The proxy war between Russia and Ukraine was as an enabler of the war.

2. The incremental preparation and conditioning of Ukraine and its internal and external policies to make the Russian-Ukrainian war possible was started around 10 years ago, but entered the most intensive development phase in 2013-2014. As is mentioned about, it this whole project was built in steps mostly by the US in order to be able to start the war between the whole collective West and Russia.

3. The immediate aim of this war, in the US calculus, has nothing to do directly with Russia or Ukraine for that matter, but it has everything to do with Europe. This war has nothing to do with Ukraine or Russia and everything to do with Europe within the context of its relationship with and role within the US empire. The US aim is to “reboot” its relationship with Europe and return the latter to the same status of obedience and dependence to the requirements of the US international policies as the one Europe observed during the Cold War. The US wants to turn time back and return to the sweet seventies in its relationship with and power over Europe.

4. The only way how US it could do in our day and age is to start a war within Europe, right on the borders of the EU, stirring all the old fears and collective mental trauma of Europe, scaring Europe into the old pliant, dependent and obedient state like during the Cold War.

5. The US critically wanted this “reboot” of its relations with Europe because the more fundamental geopolitical goal of the US is to start the project Cold War II, but not with Russia, which is not a major geopolitical or economic competitor of the US, but with China. This Cold War II is a global imperial project. The biggest problem for the US was impossibility to start a new Cold War without getting on board Europe, and there was no way how Europe would agree to get involved in Cold War II with China out of its own free will if things hadn't changed. To solve this, the US needed a war in Europe, and the “reboot” of its relationship format with Europe first.

6. The possible price for that is that the US and the West (involved by the US into its imperial project Cold War II) will have to fight this war on two fronts, which is against both China and Russia as allies, but the US is ready to pay this premium, for there aren't many alternatives from its perspective.

7. The US, unlike the rest of the world, needs Cold War II because the US is a global empire and as a global empire it cannot exist without a war, not just a war, but a global war, since empires in their very genesis, in their pulse and breath, cannot exist without war – the inner mechanics of empires are based on war. The moment war stops empires fall into decay and die internally and externally. The US started to feel this existential threat as a empire (not as a nation or a country but as an empire) in the 21st century, and very serious symptoms appeared of its dilapidation and regression on economic, political, social front, and in the form of the runaway corruption and moral crisis inside the US. This was because the project of global “war on terror” never succeeded in the replacement of Cold War, which ended in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. The vacuum that formed after the end of Cold War started to erode the US empire both from the inside and outside, and the “reboot” of the US as an empire seemed to be emphatically impossible without an equivalent replacement of the Cold War I with the Cold War II, where the America's pursuit of the latter imperatively required to use China as the main global “enemy”. For that the US had to try to “reboot” Europe.

Now I will try to address all the above points in detail.

One of those questions, and, in my opinion, the most impost important one is: “WHY did the US need a war with Russia when it's most important strategic competitor is China and when it's obvious that a war with Russia would create what goes against all common sense and all the precepts of the American geopolitical textbooks and experience, namely the rule of never allowing Russia and China to combine, form a real economic and political union that could control most of Eurasia?”

By war hereinafter is meant not just a narrow type of kinetic war but geopolitical war which usually includes informational/propaganda war, trade war, technological war, economic war, political war etc., proxy military war, and, only in some cases, direct military war (something that still very many people mean by war – a stereotype from those old days when direct military action was a method much more common and effective to wage wars between countries and blocks than the methods used today).

Before giving my answer to the above key question, which I dare to think is overall correct or close to the truth, I have to make a couple points/premises and caveats in order not to distract with all these questions those to whom at this stage this whole discussion and context will not make any sense and wouldn't help in the least bit even in starting to understand what's going on.

1. What is going on around the situation between Russia and Ukraine right now is a WAR between the collective West and Russia. The collective West in the context of this war is “collective” to the extent that the West here is geopolitically represented and guided by the leadership of the United States, or, a bit broader, by the Anglo-West with its core consisting of the US/UK alliance. So is the NATO which is the main organizational, technical and political vehicle of this US leadership.

This is not to mean that the “collective” West may not stop being collective at a certain point in future in relation to this war and geopolitical motives, after which the US or Anglo-West may still continue to collectively wage this war and support the agenda behind it, but it is to mean that at the start of this war and at the time of writing the whole West acts collectively, even though the European West acts as a dependent submissive party to its leader Anglo-West, and even more narrowly the United States.

The kinetic war going on in Ukraine is a proxy war in military terms between the collective West and Russia, thus it doesn't include direct confrontation between the NATO military contingents and those of Russia. The main reason for that is the mutually assured nuclear destruction of both parties – West and Russia – and some other high risks making such a kinetic war an undertaking not worth it for both. This proxy war is supported by direct supplies of arms, military advice, intelligence, economic support for military needs and so on and so forth. This is a proxy war.

The other part of the war is the economic war (the so called “sanctions” which are of course nothing to do with the usual “sanctions” as a certain type of relationship, moral and political stance and demonstration, but a full scale package of measures designed and directed at the destruction of Russian economy to the level causing stagnation and regression of the whole country, its key institutions and its State), propaganda and ideological war, political war (war of alliances), technological war.

Those who still don't understand and haven't started to understand this part of the reality – that what is going has very little to do with Ukraine and Russia and everything to do with the US and Russia – had better not spent any more of their time reading this and many other works trying to identify some underlying causes of the ongoing global crisis, the monumental collision of the tectonic plates of the geopolitical and economic global order one of the visible stress points of which has manifested itself in Ukraine.

2. This war hasn't been something unexpected but the countdown to it started as early as 2008 (some would argue even earlier) and shifted into the top gear in 2014. For those who want to understand the geopolitical context and intermediate causes of this countdown from the real academic perspective, nothing can be better than spending 1 hour on this brilliant lecture given in 2015 at the University of Chicago by one of the most brilliant American scholars of our times in geopolitical history Dr. John Mearsheimer, where he predicted the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia with the accuracy of a Swiss watch – predicted it without even any intention of doing so because this prediction wasn't even the main goal of his lecture but flowed naturally from his acute analysis of the Western policies in relation to Russia and their obvious and inevitable expected consequences were those policies here to stay (and they did).

For those who are not acquainted with the history of the question it saves a lot of time in basically digging into the historical process and understanding the reality of what has really been going on since at least 2008 between the West and Russia if one goes and acquaint oneself with all these realities through listening to the aforementioned lecture for free:

In the interest of time, most of the premises and iron-clad perquisites of this war that Mearsheimer mentioned in that lecture (but also of course in his more fundamental academic works on this topic for those who are interested), and that made this war inevitable, I will mention with direct reference to his name, even though, of course, he is not the only scholar and academic who clearly understood and explained all those realities.

Dr. Mearsheimer and many other academic thinkers do not answer the question of why would the West, specifically the US, would need a war with Russia ahead of many other things that could obviously suffer from this war against its own interests. Mearsheimer explains with lucid clarity what exactly the US has been doing and why what it has been doing has led to what it's led to, but he doesn't explain why the US has been doing it in the first place from the motivational perspective.

Mearsheimer clearly showed more than 7 years ago that the long-term policies of the US vis-a-vis Russia, realized through using Ukraine, would inevitably lead to Russia's military invasion of Ukraine with huge negative consequences for the latter, Europe and, possibly, a pretty heavy price for the US itself.

Yet Mearsheimer basically was a critic of those Western policies who explicitly considered them a mistake, a self-damaging mistaken strategy. At the same time Mearsheimer, at least implicitly, posited that this “mistake” came out of either lack of understanding by Washington of what it was doing (that Washington didn't expect that its policy would lead to a war) or because Washington somehow didn't understand full well what was good and what was bad geopolitically to the US in the 21st century, and what were the main challenges to the US in this day and age (e.g. that this war would make one more unnecessary enemy and make China an enemy on steroids because of its alliance with Russia due to the US policies). Neither of these assumptions look tenable to me.

There is little ground to believe that Washington didn't understand most of those realities that Mearsheimer clarified, and there's every reason to believe that Washington had a very clear picture of what its policies meant in terms of triggering war between West and Russia throwing Russia into the open arms of China and quite likely creating a gigantic monster – the alliance of those two – controlling most of Eurasia.

The question is: WHY did the US continue with such “maniacal perseverance” to stick to the policy that potentially augmented both: the number of its enemies and their strength, pushing Russia and China into the open arms of each other, and start a war in a region that is of zero strategic interest to the US but not a free ride in terms of the costs?!

This means uniting the two neighboring giants that are in so many regards look like a match made in heaven as it is, even without any external effort to marry them: one is a production powerhouse of the world and the other – Russia – is the resource and energy powerhouse of the world to feed all the mega-industrial (and military) machine of the first one.

It is especially true seeing as Russia's turn to the East and tremendous reorientation of its foreign policy and economy towards China started as early as in 2014, after the first Ukrainian crisis and Ukraine's loss of land to Russia; yet Russia's pivoting to the East wasn't totally irreversible, giving plenty of time to the West to correct its policies.

Mearsheimer doesn't answer this question – why the US needs a war with Russia – he just explicitly assumes that Washington was so silly and blind in its analysis and policies that it couldn't understand those truths, which, in my view, cannot be reasonably taken as the most likely scenario.

These are the premises rightly outlined by Dr. Mearsheimer that lead to this war as inevitably as day follows night:

A) NATO started to expand eastward towards Russian borders in the 21st century (Baltic countries, Poland), and then in 2008 year the promise was given to Georgia and Ukraine to be included in NATO.

B) Not only didn't Russia like these NATO expansion steps but it perceived them as an existential threat. Russian attitude to the idea of NATO expansion have been reiterated by Russia since as early as 2007 in the clearest form and multiple times.

C) Russia, because of the political and economic inertia caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union, had to digest the first wave of NATO expansion (Poland and the Baltic States), especially taking into account the small population and economy size of the Baltic countries and that Poland isn't a country directly bordering on Russia.

But Russia drew the absolute red line on any further NATO expansion towards its borders in 2007, and the potential admission of Georgia, and even more so, Ukraine, was seen by Russia as an absolute existential threat. After both those countries were given the promise of becoming members of NATO in April 2008, in August 2008 Georgia was invaded by Russia.

A NATO friendly and US friendly leadership of Georgia at that time coupled with the active process of the preparation and integration of Georgia militarily into the NATO format before formally admitting it was more than enough make Russia deal with Georgia militarily: after the Russian invasion in August 2008 rarely does anybody even mention nowadays Georgia as a NATO candidate or even ally (it's worthy of note that Georgia before the Russian invasion actually hosted an American military base and contingent in its territory which wasn't there just for some side ancillary purposes of the US).

At the same time, Georgian example only adds hard evidence to the fact that politically Russia had never been motivated to occupy or directly control Georgia or create any puppet loyal regime there. In fact, none of the administrations that have been in power in Georgia since the Russian invasion in 2008 have been pro-Russian, no has Russia ever exhibited any anxiety about it.

In short, Moscow's position was very straightforward and supported by its actions: “We don't care how you govern yourself inside, what you think of us, what your international policies are – you are a totally free and sovereign country and can do whatever you please. The only thing that we do care about is your potential membership in NATO as a supranational entity that can determine the presence of non-Georgian military force and weapons far beyond the boundaries of Georgia as its own independent nation-state, far beyond its sovereignty.

D) Mearsheimer, as a prominent champion of the realist school of thought, said that it is irrelevant whether NATO, as could be measured by some imaginary absolute yard-stick of truth, really posed or could pose any existential danger to Russia and its State. Suffice it to say that Russia believed so and there's all the evidence to see that this belief wasn't something artificial or insincere or unexpected in Russia's frame of reference.

In its turn, the frame of reference of the US and its perceptions aren't so different from those of Russia in regard to the presence of any non-friendly military alliances close to the US borders haven't changed either: it is indeed absolutely unthinkable up to this day that any remote power should dare to co-opt any of the US neighbors into a significant military alliance and supply that neighbor with sophisticated military infrastructure, equipment and weaponry right on the US border without the immediate interference of the US – military one if need be – to eliminate this intrusion into what the US considers to be its sphere of influence and regional security (which happens to be the whole Western hemisphere and spreads much further than just the national borders of the US, by the way, as per the Monroe doctrine, which continues to be active).

E) On top of what Dr. Mearsheimer said regarding the legitimacy of Russian concerns vis-a-vis NATO, I'd add that the “perceptions” of Russia are more than justified on the objective side too.

Indeed, there has been lots of really silly rhetoric to the effect that “NATO is a defensive alliance” - this, of course, can't be asserted in any serious rational discussion.

Apart from the fact that starting with Yugoslavia then getting involved in Afghanistan, Libya etc NATO, even from a purely formal standpoint, has multiple times broken its own “defensive” doctrine in the last three decades, specifically in the context of Russia, NATO by definition cannot be considered as only a “defensive” and non-threatening entity, taking into consideration the prevalent ownership of NATO by the US and UK and the nuclear missiles of the the both countries being “defensively” aimed at all the Russian cities day and night – the context of nuclear antagonism has never formally gone away after the collapse of the Soviet Union, those missiles have never been re-aimed in any other direction, and the nuclear antagonistic relationship has never been and is not based on any meaningful notion of “defensiveness”, but on the notion of the balance of power and mutually guaranteed destruction.

In this sense, the approach of the NATO infrastructure to the Russian borders is nothing more than a predictable shift of this balance of nuclear power away from the point of equilibrium, giving all the rational grounds to the party more exposed (Russia in this case) to worry about its own defense.

It's worth mentioning too that the aforesaid outright breaches by NATO of its own declared creed of being a “purely defensive” alliance in various parts of the world not only demonstrate once more that this supranational military entity cannot be considered by Russia as “defensive” or safe and “innocuous”, but that on the whole it cannot be rationally posited to be such by the rest of the world insofar as those countries are concerned that aren't formal or informal affiliates of NATO.

F). The West, the US in particular, continued to support the NATO partnership, liaison and cooperation with the Ukraine regime (formal and/or informal) after the coup d'état in 2014 supported by the US – the regime change. Moreover, within the context of the regime change and the nature of the new regime in terms of its relationship with Russia and ethnically Russian regions of Ukraine (which collectively can be called Donbas) the US politically and economically supported the creation and sustainable development of the conditions that predictably led to the arising of ethnic conflict and then, basically, a civil war inside Ukraine (this civil war started in 2014 and has never stopped until this moment).

The US, as well as anybody else, knew full well, that such an ethnic conflict in its own right wouldn't leave too much choice to Russia, just as it wouldn't to any other European country in a similar situation (especially within ethnic aspect of Europe's history, its borders, relations, conflicts and sensibilities), other than to intervene militarily, and if need be, directly.

The inevitability of intervening directly on the part of Russia from the point of view of protecting Donbas – the region with the population majority of ethnic Russian – continued to grow by the day as of 2014, in direct proportion to the US effort of molding, training and arming the Ukrainian army and some paramilitary forces, like the so called “Azov” structure, and supporting the Ukrainian regime in its effort to conquest Donbas and take its territory back in the course of the civil war, in which the ethnically Russian Donbas was a defending party.

It is absolutely obvious, be it from a purely military or political viewpoint, that had Russia really desired to invade Ukraine for any motives other than the above ones (i.d. protection of the ethnically Russian region of Donbas and Ukraine's further military alliance with NATO) it would have done so much earlier, in fact, it would have done so as far back as in 2014, for it clearly would have been much less costly to Moscow at that time as opposed to waiting for 8 years for Ukraine to build up, train and fortify its army with the real battle experience in Donbas.

E) The last, but not least, aspect that must be mentioned regarding the genesis of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine is something that Mearsheimer doesn't discuss in depth, namely the rationale of democracy. This should be clarified: Ukraine has never been a true democracy after gaining its independence in 1991, it had been an oligarchy all along before 2014, something that, it seems, wasn't denied by Ukrainian elites and thinkers themselves.

The situation got only worse after 2014 when the character of the Ukrainian oligarchy started to become less and less tolerable and more and more radical towards the political opponents (be it MPs or journalists or activists) of those oligarchs who held the power and who stuck to the nationalist militant agenda in regard to the possible normalization of the Donbas conflict – the nationalist agenda that was totally supported by the US.

In simple words, the US has never cared about democracy or any human rights aspects of Ukraine, and in fact both of those aspects of the Ukrainian regime – a regime that had evolved with the total support and influence of the US – has deteriorated abysmally even as compared to what the state of affairs was before the events of 2014.

Nor has the US cared one iota about the corruption in Ukraine. If anything, the corruption went from strength to strength after 2014, and the weakness of the state institutions and elites that was an expected product of this corruption meant only one thing to the US: more easiness to influence Ukraine's policies and a more straight course of Ukraine towards creating conditions for Moscow's direct interference: Ukraine's NATO-related militarization on the one hand and its effort to conquest Donbas militarily on the other hand.

It follows pretty clearly from all the above realities that the US wanted this war to happen and deliberately created and promoted conditions for this war to happen, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with democracy, human rights or the sovereignty of Ukraine for that matter, which, ironically, vanished after the events of 2014 supported and desired by the US so much, for after the regime change in 2014 the political dependence of the Ukraine on the external actors in the questions of Ukraine's external relations and policies became much higher than ever before in the 21st century – the main defining force behind Ukrainian foreign policies and aspiration started to be not the Ukrainian sovereign decisions and choices but those made across the Atlantic.

Mearsheimer also points out the very obvious fact that neither Ukraine, nor even Russia per se, are of great economic significance to the US. To put it simply, Ukraine in itself doesn't present any interest to the United States, nor is Russia – they aren't big economies, they aren't technologically competitive, they aren't military threats, they aren't economic or significantly military inconveniences to the US interests in other regions of the world. However, as Mearsheimer rightly points out Russia per se, if considered separately, could potentially be useful to the US on many issues that actually are of significance to the US, including the confrontation with China, if the US befriended Russia.

It follows that in many respects what the US did in Ukraine looks like shooting itself in the foot if, as

Dr. Mearsheimer implicitly assumes, the US made a mistake in its understanding of the consequences of its policies or the unimportance of Ukraine or Russia per se to its real agenda in the world (China being the biggest item on the US plate). However, as I mentioned earlier, it's really unreasonable and arbitrary to assume that Washington didn't understand some rather trivial things that would lead to some none too trivial consequences to the US and Europe.

Mearsheimer clearly shows that the policies of the US predictably and obviously led to the escalation of tension between Russia and Ukraine, and the Russian invasion, which, in its turn, was just an excuse or a designed trigger to start a war on Russia – war between the West and Russia. The question Mearsheimer not only hasn't answered but never once asked is: “WHY DOES THE US NEED THIS WAR ON RUSSIA?”, especially if this war obviously brings to bear so many indirect costs on the US.

Well, the answer to this question lies in the nature of the US – of what the US became in the 20th century. The US is an global EMPIRE, period. And this in itself is not something new or something argued even inside the US (at times it is actually bragged about or taken pride in among the US top politicians, scholars and other parts of the American elites).

Not only that, but the public discourse within this context often revolves around the question whether the US is an empire in decline, with many holding the view that it is.

Whether the US is a declining empire or not may bear on the question of the war with Russia but rather tangentially. A more important factor is that the US is not just an empire but it is a global empire.

Because the US is an empire, and as long as it is still an empire, it has some absolutely intrinsic and indelible mechanisms/forces natural to any empire, and without the work of which any empire just cease functioning and stops being an empire.

One of these mechanisms is empire's existential dependence on war and expansion. Again, war, as was mentioned before, in its broadest definition means war conducted by any methods: economic, informational war, ideological and political war etc.

The whole social moral tissue of an empire, morale and solidarity and social trust in its society, its economics, its politics and political culture, the relationship between different strata of the society, the most fundamental collective notion of “WE” as a society and its self-reflection existentially depends on war and expansion – a very strong externalization many socio-economic issues is necessary for an empire. The economy of an empire also structurally depends on war and expansion: it needs special privileged external export markets, external markets of labor force, external privileged import markets (especially for the privileged access to resources and energy). Empire is all about making the internal critically dependent the external, and because this dependence grows and real competitiveness drops, also grows the insatiable demand for even more external spheres of influence.

War is the main spring of the most vital social, political and economic processes in an empire, war is the bone and blood of any empire. War as a state, war as a process, war as an idea, war as a self-reflection of the collective consciousness of the society in the mirror of itself, war as a duty, war as a source of social trust, pride, value, self-esteem and solidarity.

One of the deepest features of any empire is that its most intimate and life-sustaining INTERNAL processes always critically depend on the EXTERNAL processes. The INSIDE of empires is always always hostage to the OUTSIDE of empires. In simple terms, they are like bubbles that start to collapse the moment they stop to expand (which is one of the main reasons why empires inevitably come to their natural death as empires relatively quickly by historical standards). The very dialectics of empires are such that they are condemned to their collapse the moment they are born because they are critically dependent on expansion which can never be eternal.

And the opposite is true, once the mechanism of the continuous expansion, feeding upon itself, starts spinning the wheels, and its gears start losing traction, all hell suddenly breaks loose in an empire's economy, society, ethical tissue and politics: humongous corruption starts devouring inside out the whole political system of the empire, social and economic institutions (both state and private and everything in between); the institution of citizenship, the civil loyalty and, more generally, the social solidarity and trust start going south precipitately; conflicts and feuds between different classes and layers of the society go rampant, leading to all kinds of “smoldering civil wars”, and, sometimes, leading to the real civil wars, which are the usual companions of the decay phase of any empire.

Because deep vacuum is formed when the main “glue” of the society and its solidarity – the war and expansion beyond the borders of the empire - starts to dry out, different classes and layers of the society start to fill this vacuum with all manner of various mutually conflicting ideas, identities and self-reflections of the collective “WE” (very often, but not always, based on ethnic, national and other characteristics), which leads to the rupture of the previously cohesive moral and social fabric, naturally giving rise to even higher levels of corruption and social strife in a positive feedback loop. Fragmentation takes place.

For a global empire, not least, it also leads to the weakening of the bondage between the core of the empire and its international allies, suzerains, client states, colonies and quasi-colonies – all of those external loyal countries and blocks that, on the one hand, are parts of the empire, and, on the other hand, its agents. Those external loyal parts start to lose any basis of duty and loyalty to the core part, the sense of common goal and interest, when they see that, by all appearances, the very need for war – be it cold or hot or warm – has dissipated. The weakening support of the empire by its external client-states starts to weaken, and, on the other hand, inside those client-states the focus starts to shift to their internal problems and their own new (or old-forgotten) basis for their collective identity and trust inside their own nations and societies.

Because of the above processes, THE RISE OF NATIONALISM is often, though not always, a typical harbinger and symptom of the decay of an empire – the rise of nationalism both in the core part of the empire and in its external parts and client-states.

War of expansion for an empire is a “magnetic field” that “artificially” stabilizes and directs all the elements of the society like particles of metal dust placed over a paper sheet over a magnet; war is a yard-stick and source of consolidating energy for the society of empire all in one, and the absence of expansion, when prolonged enough, is a death warrant to it.

When an empire collapses and ceases to exist, which in itself is always a very painful process in view of the aforementioned inevitable regression processes, a new social and political order appears with time, but before that a prolonged period of depression and dilapidation follows, because it takes a significant amount of time to form new basis for moral and societal, hence political and economical, cohesion. Sometimes collapses of empires lead to the geopolitical fragmentation of the core part of the former empire.

Now, to return to the US and its war on Russia, a serious problem arose for the US when the Cold War ended at the end of the 1980s: one of the main “fuel tanks” of the US war machine run empty. The Cold War was a global war – exactly what was needed to satisfy the core requirement of the US as a global empire in order for this empire to exist and function normally. It was a global war of ideologies, moral systems of values, economic models – of everything. That real global war ended.

After a series of various international, yet not global, wars, like the one in Yugoslavia, the first war in Iraq and suchlike in the 1990s, the US came up with a new project of the global war on terrorism in the beginning of 2000s as a replacement to fill the gap formed by the end of the Cold War. There was nothing really new about terrorism and its threats in the world, and nothing really existentially important on the security side for the US or the West on the whole for that matter.

Even less did this so-called war on terror deserve any global scale and status – to many of those who aren't into history and geopolitical mechanics this whole war on terror project may have appeared “artificial” and driven by some “special anxiety” of the US to seek and create a war in order to fight it, rather than fight a war in order to put an end to it. I wouldn't be surprised if many of my readers, even those living in the US, had this gut feeling at the start of the 21st century – the artificiality of the so-called “global war on terror”.

If so, your gut feeling didn't deceive you. One of the biggest reasons, if not the single biggest one, behind the US project of “war on terror” was the need to fill the vacuum formed by the end of the Cold War and create some other type of global war in which not only the US but all its allies and loyal parties would be involved.

Unfortunately, from the standpoint of the imperial logic of the US, this “war on terror” didn't work for its intended purpose: it had never been an adequate replacement for a real global war, it had never inspired the same imperative feeling of support and solidarity neither in the American society nor in its European allies on a prolonged basis.

Apart from the fact that this “war on terror” wasn't perceived as a real war or any form of expansion, in fact it provoked in large swathes of the US and, even more so, European society distrust and even cynicism, for it gave to many people enough cause to perceive this “war” as a non-authentic “cartoon war” that had been organized or “orchestrated” for corrupt self-serving reasons that benefited a very narrow section of the elites. In simple words, it just didn't work for the purposes of global war in the sense of supporting the engine of the empire running normally; this “cartoon war” lacked authenticity and moral legitimacy in the eyes of both: the external clients of the US empire and the US society itself.

The vacuum formed after the end of the Cold War didn't away, and the forces that glue the US global empire together and that are dependent on a global war have started to weaken. Europe, who was an affiliated beneficiary and dependent part of the US empire in the time of Cold War, started to feel increasingly less bound by any debt to the US for anything, looking towards its own future and its own economic and diplomatic relations with other countries and parts of the world, including its eastern neighbor Russia and emerging economic giants like China. On the other hand, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, that were part of the war on terror, didn't do anything but predictably created a serious burden for Europe, at which point the latter just stopped being a beneficiary of the US imperial project, or at least a recipient of some form of compensation for its loyalty and involvment.

In the meantime all the aforementioned symptoms of decay of a global empire started to crop up like blisters on the skin of the American social and political body.

Corruption (not in the narrow legal sense, of course, but in its broadest definition) has started to spread like a wild fire in the US where the financial self-serving interests – private and collective – of the governmental, political and corporate (especially oligopolic) institutions and agencies, and their interest groups have started to be the main driving force behind the US policies, both internally and externally, as opposed to the collective interests of the country, its real security, social and economic prosperity.

The rapid decline in the conditions of really free and competitive market, suffocated by the rampant monopolization/oligopolization of the US economy in consequence of the increasing political lobbying power of the big corporations in financial, high tech, pharmaceutical, energy and transportation domains is a direct result of the above corruption caused by the empire-in-decline syndrome.

This along with other factors contributes massively to the loss of the overall competitiveness of the US economy and to the absolutely debilitating runaway income disparity growth, hence, inequality in the standard of living between different strata of the society, which is not explained or justified by any real free market conditions or by individual abilities and entrepreneurial talents of people. The latter consequence contributes massively to the demoralization and the social crisis of trust, morals and values in the US politics and society.

Another natural satellite of these empire decadence processes in the US is, for all to see, the aforementioned rupture of the social and cultural fabric and its cohesion: the unstoppable and accelerating crisis of social trust, of social moral values and fragmentation of identities of various strata of society manifesting itself par excellence in the so-called cultural wars that are increasingly taking form of a non-kinetic smoldering civil war (which hopefully isn't going to become a kinetic one).

The loss of the moral and political reputation, and trust by the US beyond its borders, both among its imperial dependent allies and developing countries, is yet another typical companion of the crumbling empire syndrome.

These and a number of other really bad signs have been known and felt, consciously or subconsciously, by the US elites, and a subconscious, or conscious and calculated search for a new A) legitimate and B) global war has been pursued by the US hectically at least for the past 15 years as a means to breathe new life into the sputtering and coughing engine of the American empire, with a view to rebooting its economy and social cohesion, unifying its collective moral values, interests and goals. War, since the end of the WWII, when arguably the US did transform into an empire, has become as indispensable as air for the US society and economy to be able to breathe, survive and thrive.

The project “Cold War II” was started as a replacement for “Cold War I” in order to save the US as an empire.

The war with Russia per se wasn't a suitable candidate for Cold War II because it lacked both globality and legitimacy among the dependent partners, let alone the developing countries, who, unlike the former, were the main empire-parasitized areas. A new Cold War couldn't be a totally artificial construct that would lack any credibility among other countries and the American society, gullible as it is sometimes.

Russia didn't pose any significant military threat to the US, its economy and economic influence on the US was less than that of any big European country after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Nor would Europe be interested in the economic price it would have to pay for a war with Russia, hence, it would be opposed to this project all the more for this reason; to add to that, Europe didn't have too much fear of Russia, with the exception of the Baltic states and Poland.

The above restriction only puts a second question mark over the question “Why did the US need to start a war with Russia?”

China, obviously, in the 21st century presents, probably, the only one possible candidate for the American project of Cold War II due to the size of its economy, military and its increasing global influence. Despite the enormous corruption of the whole military-industrial-intelligence complex of the US, and, arguably, a very serious loss of the professionalism and competence of their top cadre since the end of the Cold War, there are no grounds to assume that Washington didn't understand that. In other words, Washington did appoint China as its main target in creating the Cold War II and excuses for it – it did it probably earlier than 2010.

In this context, as Dr Mearsheimer rightly said, Russia could actually be useful to Washington as an ally, and Washington at least could try to build some bridge of mild friendship to Moscow and play some cards of common interest. This is especially true taking into account that Russia itself used to harbor an unjustifiably leery attitude to China as short a time as 20 years ago – likely on the strength of the Soviet legacy of “bad blood” between those two countries. Only Mearsheimer seems to imply that this was something that Washington didn't understand as well as he – Mearsheimer – did, whereas, in my view, there are no grounds to make such an arbitrary assumption: Washington most likely did understand that, and pretty well too.

Then what was the problem to the US with proceeding to “appoint” China “the main enemy of the world and all its nations” and starting the new Cold War II around it? This is something that Dr. Mearsheimer doesn't ask.

Well, the problem was Europe! Europe had no desire to start or support any global wars with China. To begin with, Europe had no particular interest in any new Cold Wars, let alone hot ones, and even less enthusiasm did it nourish about the idea of spoiling its relationship with China that had become the biggest trading partner of Europe – Europe, which unlike the US, is a very export-oriented economy. Politically Europe didn't have any security concerns regarding China either for the simple reason of China's being a geographically remote power from Europe's perspective, and with the range of its own interests encompassing mostly the Asia Pacific.

On the other hand, for the US it was unthinkable – outright impossible – to create a Cold War II not only without having Europe on board, but actually with risking losing Europe as its dependent imperial ally, or, worse yet, turning it into a somewhat unfriendly competitor! The US could not fulfill its “American Dream” of creating a new Cold War without getting Europe on board.

Perfectly understanding that China is the only candidate for an “ideal scapegoat” to be used in creating the Cold War II, America saw that the whole conundrum was how to get Europe on board, for after the collapse of both the Soviet Union and its “war on terror” project, the US leverage over Europe was becoming weaker and weaker whereas the European economy, its independence and its trade connectivity to other regions, not least that very China, was becoming stronger and stronger.

How to make a time machine, hop in it and go back in time into the sweet seventies when Europe was “a senile and helpless old granny barely” that was still loved by its strong and ever-so-kind granddaughter America, and, therefore, taken care of by America and protected against a terrible gangster – the Soviet Union – under the condition of granny's proper obedience in the questions of all the international politico-economic affairs and good behavior?” – that was the biggest question for the US.

Well, once the problem is outlined well enough the solution often seems to be almost obvious: the only way how the US could do this magic time travel is to reopen the old mental wounds and deepest fears of Europe and TERRORIZE her into the old state of being a weak helpless party seeking “protection” or the “protection racket” of the United States in exchange of her proper obedience and payment of the political and economic price of supporting the US empire in whatever the latter asks her for – turning Europe into a kind of Stockholm syndrome victim would voluntarily cater to the needs of its own kidnapper.

To make it possible, all that was needed is to create a REAL MILITARY WAR inside Europe right on the border of the EU, preferably a war that would involve Russia, who is a nuclear superpower, so that Europe alone a priori couldn't have any serious control over or means of resolution to this war, and so that the only source of some sense of protection could be given by the dominating protective role of the US under the condition of the submissive obedience of Europe on all other fronts of the international affairs, not least its position on China (!).

After properly conditioning Europe and its imperial relationship with it, the US has its hands untied to open the main act of its play “Cold War III” - the global war with China. Now, the US has reasonable confidence that if it needs to decouple China from the West in terms of trade, currency, the compatibility of the technical standards etc, Europe will be do as it's told to do by its big “friend”.

In other words, the “Russian-Ukrainian” war has very little to do with either Ukraine or Russia, but it is all about Europe (!): this war was created by the US for the sake of Europe in order to condition its behavior and loyalty for another, much bigger war – Cold War III, the main “antihero” of which is going to be China.

To cap it all off, one could ask a perfectly logical question: will this American plan of getting Europe on board for its project Cold War II actually work?

My short answer is: “Most likely NO”. The general reason for that, in my view, is that this horse has already bolted out of the stable and it's too late to shut the door. The economic and the internal political price for Europe is going to be unsustainably high to support the increasingly risky Cold War II endeavors of its transatlantic “friend” in view of an enormous increase in the production power of not only China but a number of other developing countries.

Tremendous underestimation by the Western elites of the forces of nationalism both inside the West and in the rest of the world is another reason. The present war – between Russia and the West – threatens to destroy the EU (tearing it apart with the growing forces of nationalism fertilized by the economic toll) much faster than it is going to really undermine Russia, and this development, if it comes to this point, is not going to meet the US objective of getting Europe's support on its global imperial projects, but rather the opposite is likely to happen.

This “proxy-proxy war” between the West and Russia (a proxy war for another proxy war with China in future), in my view, has already put an end to the globalization in the form and shape we've known it before, and awakens the hitherto dormant beast of nationalism.

But at any rate, this question – whether or not the US attempt to involve Europe into the orbit of its imperial projects and global wars once again will work – deserves its own chapter and analysis in depth, which goes beyond the scope of the present topic.

The last but not least, it has to be added that even though this terrible war between Russia and Ukraine, desired and designed by the US through a very well thought-out series of steps, may not eventually meet the purpose for which it's been created, it is hard to call it a “mistake of judgment” on the part of the US. This is because there are probably no other alternatives that would give a chance to the US to resurrect its dying empire like a phoenix from the ashes. Thus even if in the US calculus there is a 20% chance that it might work, the US has all the rational reason, within the ruthless context of its goals, to try this plan. Simply put, the US just doesn't have too much to lose (unlike Europe and Ukraine and millions of their people who are going to suffer enormously).

Since, as history teaches us, for the States of the usual countries, let alone empires, it may take only a reasonable chance of success and improvement to provoke and support the ugliest wars (which is another name for a state-sponsored mass murder), one could imagine how little moral qualm an empire would have in starting a new war if that war don't seem to put too much direct burden on it and if a failure of the plan doesn't present any significant risk either in its calculus.

By Phil Mirzoev, May 17/2022

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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The greatest addiction of America is to its greatness

Some say the US is addicted to oil, some say that the US is addicted to debt, some say that the US is addicted to wealth. But one thing that the US has really become addicted to and may pay as big a price as other empires did many times in history for, is the absolute, existential indispensability of being the GREATEST (of all countries and nations)!

Finland or Canada or Australia or Belgium do not need at all any feeling of greatness to feel the best about their own national self-reflections, to make their respective countries the best and COZIEST HOMES for themselves - indeed, there is no place for that "greatness" in the reflection of their own value in the mirror of their societies and countries.

That's not the case with the US, in my modest view - alas. Take that "greatness" away from the America, and it may lead to a very deep cognitive dissonance on the collective scale. That wasn't the case with America at all before WWII, but it became so after. Post-imperial syndrome (like phantom pain) is not an easy thing to go through (many nations went through it in history - the US is not the first and won't be the last).

One doesn't have to be GREAT, let alone the greatest, to feel happy about oneself and others, which has been demonstrated by so many people and nations in history who, ironically, sometimes have later been declared "great" to their own surprise because they've never expected or wanted it.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The US dollar has become a poison pill: Weaponization of dollar by the US may lead to catastrophic consequences for American economy in future

Many economists and market analysts have put forward an argument that the US monetary regulators and their policies (or lack thereof) are a threat to the value of the US dollar, hence, to the economy. Yet that's not the only source of risks for the US currency. The second huge ongoing and increasing hazard to the USD is America's increasing abuse of the dollar monopoly position as a trading currency in the form of financial sanctions used a weapon against other countries or companies whose contribution to the economies of those countries is of national security interest.

This weaponization of dollar by the US has touched upon not only countries like Iran or Venezuela, but on the EU, India, China etc. This source of risk and moral hazard is not covered by the so-called "democratic independent" media at all (especially in the US), but it is a big deal when even the nominally closest allies of the US, like the EU, are getting seriously scared about the dollar-dependent international transactions because of the risk of US whimsically shutting down the system for those whom the US "doesn't like". (Iran oil purchases by the EU are a prime but by no means only example).

Economic giants like the EU and China may already well be working seriously on creating alternative safe mechanisms and institutions to provide relatively safe transactions and account settlement mechanisms and instruments alternative to the US dollar, and many other countries may join the effort. This is because the US dollar has been turned by the US into a poison pill that presents a national security concern par excellence for those countries and blocks.
For the last decades the US dollar has been well protected against the inflation not least because there has been unflagging demand for and use of the US currency for the internal trade, which, in turn, has been supported by the growth of the big developing economies. The US has got accustomed to this sweet dreamland reality where the inflation just doesn't exist, totally forgetting that this exclusive gift of inflation immunity has been granted to the US by the WORLD because of the exclusive TRUST in their currency by the rest of the world using it for the whole international trade (which is big). This allowed the US to "print" money for decades without any serious risk of inflation. Yet collapse of this trust because of the US abusing its privileged position as the World Mint, and creation of the alternative instruments and institutional mechanisms for international payments can change things dramatically and historically on this front.

If the world's patience is pushed over the edge  by the US and an alternative to the US dollar monopoly is created not only will demand for dollar fall in comparison to today's levels in terms of its proportion to the growth of world economy and trade, but even the existing national reserves of dollar, if only for the reason of national security, may start to be drastically wound down through exchange for those future instruments used in lieu of the US dollar.

It is not hard to imagine the character of implications caused by this kind of transition and loss of the USD monopoly status (and a bad loss too because its cause is not technical but the failure of the world trust that is much harder to restore than direct economic value) on the inflationary environment and even on the "apparent" GDP of the US. A goodly chunk of the world economic pie that the US has always considered totally its own "fair-earned" lunch can vanish in a relatively short period of time because in reality it has never been the product of American economy, but its been RENT that the US has been exacting from the rest of the world for using its money for that part of the product that is internationally traded (exported and imported) not only between the US itself and other countries, but also (and mainly) between those other countries in their exchange of goods and services. The ripples of fear have spread around the globe about the toxic danger of the US dollar, and the media (including the US media) keeps silence about it, even though the implications can be life-changing for the future generations of Americans.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

It was a criminal lie, not manipulation or error, when Western governments and WHO declared face mask as inefficient in protecting public

Now, only now the Western media started to take some interview from DOCTORS - specialists - not officials with questions about face-masks. Why? Because it has already come to a point where thousands of usual people started to ask this question.
Of course, the Western media likes nothing better than talking about science and its authority nowadays when it comes to, say, the problem of global warming (though even on this topic the media prefers inviting not real professional climatologists, but obediently and blindly citing and regurgitating officials, the image of whom the media deliberately misrepresents as scientists).
In this respect the media bears no less, but actually more moral responsibility for all the consequences of this pernicious lie - the lie that the face masks are inefficient for use by general public and its protection against COVID-19.

While any governments are prone to manipulate and lie, it is a special moral and social duty of the media in democratic countries (or those who dare to call themselves that) to critically test and challenge the statements and acts of the State, let alone supranational organizations even more prone to corruption, and hold it to account thereby controlling it and protecting the interests of the people (the friend of whom the media stopped being in the 21st century). Instead the media has behaved as a a ignominious boot-licking extension of the press-service of the Western governments themselves, and the price of it may be hard to overestimate.

This is just one of many (but very pricey and illustrative one) demonstrations of what happens to democracies when the main pillar and guarantor of their democracy - the MEDIA - gives in (more on the topic of the massive degeneration of the media in the West in the 21st century and the existential threat it poses to Western democracy and values see

Now we are starting to see the first headings along the lines of "Should all Americans be wearing face masks to protect against coronavirus?" Absolutely they should, and not only Americans but all Western countries.

All Western governments from the get-go lied that the face-masks are "inefficient" for protection of general public against coronavirus - sorry it wasn't just a manipulation or error but it was a classic criminal LIE on a massive scale, and likely a very pricey lie in economic terms, and, much more tragically, in terms of human lives. Regarding masks and their use and usefulness in the context of infections spread by respiratory droplets see

The US State went even further: they didn't just take a neutral position, but they - CDC - ACTIVELY DISCOURAGED people from using face masks. There is a big difference between "not recommending using" or "recommending NOT using".
Of course, pardon the sarcasm, those face masks are just used by doctors for a better professional image.. Indeed, what use are the face masks against a virus with the PRIMARY way of infection through the airborne respiratory droplets.
Then this lie "justified" - predictably - another wrong: doing nothing for months instead of issuing strategic production and purchase orders for millions of new masks - all this precious time was lost. Later the governments will come up with mendacious excuses like "oh, this is what WHO (World Health Organization) told us" - officials, not scientists, a corrupted supranational organization democratically neither elected nor controlled. WHO is another beauty: regarding this corrupted entity that could be a good text example of what the cluster of conflict of interest is one can check this comprehensive write-up with names, dates, connections etc:

There is quite a chance that the State sycophant - the media - will be regurgitating and amplify those mendacious excuses, because it has already become a "partner in crime" with the governments and starting revealing their lies after pandemic will immediately bring up the question of where was the "friend of the People".

Meanwhile Eastern countries South Korea, China, Japan - countries so often used by the same meida as benchmarks of efficiency in fighting COVID-19  - unlike the West, did this almost self-evidently sound thing, thanks to ignoring WHO and listening to SCIENTISTS and epidemiologists: used face masks from start, and, for the same reason, made strategic orders to enhance their production, supplies and, at the initial stages rationing them if need be. See

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Neo-feminism hijacks values of true feminism to pursue only one goal - perpetual civil war between two halves of humanity

In spite of the fact that the tidal wave of political neo-feminism currently sweeping mostly the Anglo-Saxon West – just as is a number of other raw political movements masked as mere social justice movements – has become an extremely delicate topic for many (mostly because of the almost religious sacredness veneer imparted to the subject so that anyone who dares to rationally criticize any aspects of it runs the risk of becoming a victim of demagogic witch-hunt, social smear tactics and ad-hominem attacks on “pseudo-moral grounds”), I venture to express some critical notes on certain facets of this phenomenon – the neo-feminism which, unlike the classic feminism with its undisputed conquests, has some really dubious ends and results.

Of course my notes express only my opinion, not devoid of natural bias, but as any rational criticism directed not at the people but at the idea or phenomenon, they are open for critical discussion and rational counter-arguments (as opposed to ad hominem attacks and smear – almost the only two methods notoriously but unsurprisingly used by the neo-feminism in the social and political space).


In short, my critical conclusions regarding the present day wave of neo-feminism in the West, especially its Anglo-Saxon part, amount to this:
This movement or phenomenon mostly bears a genuinely political character (term “genuine political” explained below in the next section), pursues as its final goal truly political purposes, not social and moral purposes, whereas the true feminism was aimed at the opposite goal of social and ethical equality, not gaining raw political power and political advantage (true feminism exerted political pressure, just like many things do, but it was never political by its nature and goals).

Neo-feminism is intrinsically directed at building a wall between the two halves of humankind – women and men – the wall of polarization and antagonism, fears and distrust between the two genders, stimulating bellicose archetypes, sowing the seeds of animosity on a social scale in the socio-cultural DNA, as opposed to the genuine feminism the ultimate purpose of which was social, legal and ethical harmony between the two halves of the humankind, dissipation of inequality and biases related thereto, destroying the wall of fears and distrust, creating more understanding between the two sexes and the basis for mutual enjoyment of co-existence and development both on the social and individual level. In its predictable results, if not outright purpose, the neo-feminism effectively destroys, not supports the deep humanist values of the true feminism.

In its methods the neo-feminism uses demagoguery based on fanning fears and distrust, as opposed to the rational argument and critical discussion, and the result of that creates some deleterious cultural perversions, such as, for example, social masculinization of female collective identity and inhibition of some natural intrinsic aspects of the female nature and character.

In very simple layman's terms, instead of using and socially promoting fundamental exclusive advantages of the female nature and character so that, for example, women might have enough power “to grab the men – their sons and husbands – by the scruff of their neck and pull them out of the trenches of war” where they kill each other in their millions on the regular basis due to their male competitive warlike aggressive inclinations, and set them to the more worthy cause of growing new lives and teaching children, women tend towards the opposite propensity of taking a gun, putting on uniforms and burrowing themselves into the same ugly trenches of war on a par with men, trying to prove to men and themselves that they can do the same ugly, deeply male by their nature things no worse than men can do them – the crowning glory of feminism indeed! This is in contradistinction to the classic feminism, one of the desired aim of which actually was the enhancement and promotion of those positive purely female advantages of character that are not sufficiently present in the male nature, promotion of mutual cooperation and knowledge-seeking curiosity in both sexes towards each other, the balancing of the intrinsic male propensity to high risks and excessive competition with the feminine propensity to cooperation and risk mitigation thereby creating a much more harmonious, socially cohesive, friendly and peaceful society.
That, of course, is not what the present neo-feminism does: in fact it is directed at depriving women of their deep natural advantages and identity and inducing them to blindly force upon themselves some intrinsically male characteristics to one degree or another, and the most atrocious aspects of those characteristics too.

In other words, instead of questioning the very moral foundations and social impacts of some “games” and the rules of those games that were invented very long time ago by men for men because of domination of men the present feminism actually accepts them blindly (or on purpose) and tries to force women to compete with men within the systems that from the very start were created by men partially based on very dubious moral grounds and sometimes ruthless premises and visions of human nature and value (or lack thereof) of human life.
Instead of reviewing the ethical and aesthetic aspects of, for example, boxing sport and create new games, women are conditioned by the new feminism into trying to be “equal” to men in their ability to punch each other faces into a bloody pulp, proving everybody how they can be no less mad than men.

Instead of rationally questioning and reforming tectonically the very moral grounds and motivations of the man-created international relationship philosophies and military policies, that have generated thousands of wars and ruthlessly swept away hundreds of millions of human lives (those very lives of sons and daughters that women, thanks to mother nature, give birth to and have special emotional experience and knowledge about), the neo-feminism pushes women to actually be like men and pit themselves against men as equals in succeeding in the same typically aggressive bloodthirsty rules of the perverted game and visions of the societal relations (my personal hope for women's potential to save the world from the claws of the brother-killing modus operandi of the present nation-states created and perpetuated by men I already mentioned years ago:

Instead of questioning and fighting the very male-created corporate culture and its underlying perverted (anti)ethical philosophies (especially in the Anglo-Saxon West), according to which the quickest promotion and highest remuneration is given to those who are most aggressive in appropriating merits and ideas, most skilful and manipulative in shifting the responsibility and blame to others, most vociferous and demagogic in the advertisement and PR of fake or stolen achievements, most insistent in demanding higher rewards, women are often cajoled by the neo-feminism to either try to excel in this ugly (un)ethical frame of reference created by men, or just ascribe the problem to the assumption that the root of their disenfranchisement is just a superficial discriminatory attitude towards their gender (whereas in reality many of those men who for one reason or another don't like to behave in the gambling aggressive manner that the corporate culture requires them to, happen to be at the same disadvantage as many women are in the corporate world). In other words, again, instead of “moving chair to the table” the “table is moved to the chair”, and instead of treating the cause to repair the effect, the effect is mendaciously exploited by neo-feminist demagogues to falsify the cause.

The latter example cannot but bring to mind another field that also uses the “leaven” of victimhood, revenge and infantilism upon which the neo-feminism was created and has been fermenting, namely reactions and attitudes towards the deeply perverted elements of sexual culture (as opposed to the culture of intimate love) in the Western society (again, especially in the Anglo-Saxon part of it, and most prominently in the US) and philosophies (or rather the absence thereof) of rectifying that culture.

While at the deepest level the miserable failure of the “sexual revolution” that made the sexual culture in North America arguably even worse in many aspects than it had been prior that revolution (that's not to say it had been particular good before in the first place) is among the most profound causes of the brick wall of misunderstanding, lack of empathy and cohesion, inequity and inequality in many aspects of the social relationship between the two halves of the humankind, the neo-feminism unsurprisingly doesn't address that problem at all but rather parasitically exploits the more superficial consequences of that problem to politically propagate the climate of social vendetta, infinite reparation, hysteria and distrust, subliminally implanting on the collective mind the emotional pattern according to which the cause of righteous, almost religious in its spirit, crusade against millions of men who try to solicit sexual relationship with women by using ethically unscrupulous methods has anything to do with the tasks and goals of real feminism. In other words, the neo-feminism stirs hate towards the agents of bad culture as opposed to the battle with the real socio-psychological causes of this morbid sexual culture.

This was given a special impetus by recent infamous Hollywood revelations and following campaigns. Indeed, the ethical case against those thousands of men who unscrupulously use the power of their position to solicit sexual gratification from women is not different from those individuals who, by quirk of fate, happened to be gay (or bisexual) and abused the power of their position to solicit sexual gratification from other men, with the only exception that the latter cases are rarer in statistical terms (though not unheard-of at all neither at present nor in the past) mainly because of the lesser percentage of gays among men by comparison. This case, while absolutely just in its own right like any other case against the abuse of power for personal interests and gratifications, has little to do with the purposes of real feminism and equality of rights between genders. Yet the social and cultural causes that lead to the creation and self-reproduction of the very perverted proclivity among so many men towards these particular ways of channelizing their sexual force do actually have everything to do with the ultimate tasks and goals of the true feminism, but those deep causes are the last thing that this neo- or pseudo-feminism really wants to investigate and deal with. And not surprisingly so, because if it did want to fight the real objective causes of the problem then its genuine political purposes of the fear-and-hate-based quasi-religious vendetta-oriented crusade would be immediately undermined.

The list of such sad examples goes on with no end, demonstrating this bitter irony when those, who are supposed to change the very values of the institutions and culture, actually compete with each other and other males in trying to prove that they can promote – no worse than males themselves – the same perverted values that have been created and supported by males for males since the dawn of the male-dominated civilization to begin with. What a splendid triumph of the neo-feminism indeed in the 21st century!

As I mentioned, true feminism by its nature is of a temporary character because feminist struggle is needed only in a society where gender inequality is still present. In this respect the final goal and triumph of the true feminism is to improve the societal culture to the degree where the feminism is not needed anymore, and where the fact that somebody was born a woman or a man means no more than the fact that the person was born on a Tuesday or Friday. So the true honest purpose of feminism naturally leads to the gradual disappearance of feminism, just as the true effort to eradicate drug abuse in the case of success leads gradually to the disappearance of the need of the drug enforcement agencies themselves in the ideal outcome.

That's true, of course, only if the feminism is really true, which means it pursues establishment and eradication of the fundamental causes of the gender inequality from the socio-cultural field.
But it is not the case with the neo-feminism: on the contrary, neo-feminism, as an ultimate parasite, exploits, sponges and feeds upon the fundamental roots of the problems leading to the inequality and walls in the relationship between two halves of the humankind, not only avoiding any investigation and eradication of those root causes but actually trying to perpetuate and augment them. In its radical extremes, the neo-feminism sets sisters against brothers, and husbands against wives. Its goal is war, its method is war, its result is war. It is a form of parasitically motivated breeding of a special type of “latent civil war”, which in its human disastrous consequences in the long term may be comparable with the effects of a conventional civil war.

The behavioural pattern of neo-feminism in the US is quite similar to the modus operandi of the anti-drug or anti-terror or anti-crime agencies in that country, who never pursue the real eradication of drug abuse or terrorist activity, but who are actually interested in creating the conditions in which the drug abuse and radicalization always bloom so that those agencies can exploit those tragedies to justify and bloat their budgets and gain political power within the present state system.

One (but not the only one) of genuinely fundamental problems that have to be solved (but never tackled or talked about in reality) is the total disaster and bankruptcy of the so-called sexual revolution and emancipation in the US and some other Western countries (not because those things are not needed, but because of how perversely they were understood and realized, and because of the kind of socio-sexual culture the “old sexual order” was replaced with), which in its turn created an atrocious self-reproducing culture of sexual relationship and attitudes, manifesting itself in the ever-growing amount of demand for porn, ever-increasing divorce rate, ever-rising and eye-popping rates of sexual assaults and perverse things throughout the fabric of society and its institutions. We still, alas, live in a sexually perverted society as a whole, not just in a society with many individual perversions.
This perverted culture, that has to do with a warp of the sexual part of the collective mind, cannot but play a very important role in impeding true feminism from achieving its goals – and why shouldn't it? Are the sexual forces not simultaneously intersexual forces? Are they not the most primordial forces that already in childhood form the deepest expectations and attitudes of the genders towards each other?

But not only does the neo-feminism have no desire to understand and rectify what is wrong in the bedroom of the nation, but actually it has every interest in preserving the situation as it is as long as possible, because it gives more security to its purely political parasitic project and the pursuit of its political goals.

The neo-feminism is an ultimate political parasite that exploits and sponges on the real problem and, at the same time, purposely nourishes that problem, breeding radicalization, fear and hate and epitomizing the festering wound instead of healing it.
Of course, it doesn't mean at all that all the people who have found themselves involved in that movement have anything to do with the above negative attributes or motives, but it rather means that that viral movement and ideology of neo-feminism cajoles lots of people and their motives into assisting the parasitic purposes of the neo-feminism.

To that I should only add that there is probably only one thing that can be uglier and more morally grotesque than extreme ideological sexism, namely the exquisite intentional exploitation of the bright ideals of feminism as a cover – sheep's clothing on a wolf – and tool for pursuing inglorious political agendas and interest in gaining raw power for the sake of power itself. There is no excuse for those who consciously engage in this malicious strategies, for not only their true motives and goals have nothing whatsoever to do with the ethics and well-being of human society, but the actual values of feminism for them are nothing more than the dust under their feet, and the measure of cynicism and indifference towards any moral values used in pursuit of political gains and required for such manipulation cannot be surpassed even by the conservative “dinosaur-like” elements of the society who still cling to the archetype of male “natural” advantages averagely in comparison to women.


There's still lots of confusion about the vague and manipulative use of the word “political”, so that this term has become a justification and euphemism for any unfair, unjust, and sometimes atrociously immoral courses of action pursued by politicians, the media (who nowadays doesn't stand afar from the former in terms of its “ethics” and goals) and various groups united by common collective interest and goals.

Feminism was and is, first of all, an ethical and social movement, and secondly it doesn't have any absolute timeless status and meaning in the sense that there would not be any need for it in a society where the women and men treated each other and acted as equal human beings, lived in the organic harmony with the lucid understanding that neither men can really realize their man's identity without women nor can women without men, both genders being inseparable parts of one human – in that situation the very notion of feminism would become just irrelevant, non-existent and meaningless.
When we are talking about “political” feminism, just like everything “political”, two absolutely different things can be meant and mixed (sometimes intentionally to “muddy the waters”):

1. The social movement that is strong enough to manifest itself, among other things, in the form of pressure that is felt by the existing political establishment. Thus feminism, which is not political in nature, can have political implications and exert pressure directly or collaterally on the political establishment. This feminism is not political in its nature and doesn't intrinsically pursue any direct political power as such. In fact, it pursues social and moral equality of men and women, and this pursuit may effect the political forces. We will call it simply “social feminism” to avoid confusion.

2. The truly political feminism which is, as anything truly political, directly pursues acquisition of or a gain in political power in some form or another, to one degree or another by a person, by a group of persons, by a class of persons united by common collective political interests. And this feminism, to avoid any confusion with the previous case, we will call simply “political feminism”.

My critical point in simple terms is this: in the wave of the neo-feminism in many parts of the West – especially in the Anglo-Saxon world – a very significant slant is present nowadays towards the political feminism as opposed to the social and ethical feminism, and I find little moral justification for this slant and see some potentially serious damage being done by the political “fake” feminism to the true cause of never-ending development of harmonious, joyous and peaceful society in countries like the US and Canada.

Manifestations of this prevalence of political parasitic feminism over social feminism are sometimes bad and sometimes ugly: one of the main deeply detrimental consequences – and, most likely, goals – of it is building a wall between men and women, pervasively using the antithetical counterposition and polarization of the two halves of the humankind, stirring class feud, distrust and suspicion between human beings of opposite sexes. The political feminism preoccupies the so-called “fair and independent democratic” media and different other groups in business, in non-commercial organizations, political and lobbyist groups and suchlike, the media being probably the most prominent and cynical exploiter of it in its demagoguery.

There have already been very thorough accounts and descriptions of the moral rot lying in the heart of the neo-feminism, so lucidely captured in the documentary “The Red Pill” ( for those who want to acquaint themselves with the essence of the problem in a condensed version. However even the aforementioned documentary work doesn't delve into the true motives and goals of neo-feminism, and the connection between those goals and the methods. Nor do the critical works looking into the true essence of neo-feminism explore enough the role of the mendacious media in all of this – the media that has betrayed its socio-ethical democratic duties in innumerable spheres, the providing of a mouthpiece and advertisement for neo-feminist demagoguery being just one of them (regarding the decay of the media democratic and social function in the West see

Lots of, probably most, people, including me, acknowledge and enjoy the great conquests of the social feminism of the past century and strive for the total completion of its mission: social and moral equality and harmony of the two halves of human beings. Achieving the final purpose of the social feminism automatically implies the end of feminism: indeed, there's no need for feminism when there are no more problems of gender inequality, and the equality of genders is as a natural condition in a normal society as the equality of those born on a Thursday with those born on a Friday.

In other words, those who are really interested in the ethical and social purposes of feminism at the end of the day want to achieve conditions where the very word of feminism will be relegated to history books only. Feminism is not a purpose, feminism is just a name for movement and effort that rectify the historically created pathology of social and cultural inequality of genders and their social relationship.
Social feminism is just a particular case of the general humanist moral principle of the equality of the natural intrinsic value of human life, its dignity and abilities on the collective level, regardless of natural differences. Social feminism doesn't create any new moral values, it just concentrates its effort on a particular type thereof.

The political neo-feminism has basically displaced the true feminism, appropriating (or, simply put, stealing) its name, perceived identity, intentions and declared purpose, hence, in reality neo-feminism is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and like many other inglorious political “viruses” it uses the label and name of its victim (true feminism) to infiltrate the host (in this case the host being the public mind), playing on the stereotypes attached to the real good cause, capitalizing on the perceived good intentions and purposes – exploiting the stolen reputation and image of the real owner of the cause (true feminism). It comes with little surprise that the real luminaries, legends and founding figures of feminism, like Germaine Greer or Margaret Atwood, have started to be viciously attacked and smeared in press and social network sphere by the neo-feminism, because those true owners of the cause threaten to unmask the parasitic imposter. Indeed, some of those giants of feminism did direct the gun of their pen and sword of their tongue at the impersonator, and in less than no time did the neo-feminism propaganda start to lash out in reply to those considered living legends of true feminism, fuming with smear, derision and malice (by way of some examples one can glance through

Under this pretense the neo-feminism uses demagoguery, engineers and augments public fears to realize its political interests, using nothing else but relativistic “morals” (or, more precisely, immorality) according to which the right cause is the one that wins by any means, and the rest are wrong because they are too weak and frightened to challenge the fairness of the victory, its goal and the victory itself (just like Genghis Khan or crusaders justified the mass murders and military terror with the fact that those murders and terror actually succeeded and weren't prevented).
It is not about those in the right becoming deservedly the winners, but it is about the winners becoming “in the right”, no matter at what cost. It is not about the truth awarding victory, but it is about the victory fettering and silencing the truth.
It is not surprising that neo-feminism is saturated with almost fanatical triumphalism, which even at the best of times is not helpful and is morally deleterious. Even more deleterious this triumphalism is in the case of neo-feminism which, as any movement exploiting fear and hate, actually wages a war not just against a certain bad phenomenon and mechanics behind it but against person or persons labelled as the absolute enemy. The exceptional circumstance about neo-feminism is that, unlike many other radical and fanatical movements, it declares not just a person and not just a group of persons but half of mankind – men as a class – as the enemy (of course, the apologists of neo-feminism are in denial of it).

Some aspects and mechanisms neo-feminism exploits to achieve its purposes have to be studied and understood better in order to separate sheep from goats or, more accurately, sheep from wolves in sheep's clothing.


Just like any sophisticated political parasite, neo-feminism steals the agenda of fighting for a noble true cause, and, of course, it has stolen it from the true feminism. In Germany in 1930s Hitler's party stole the agenda of fighting against communism and poverty, fighting for economic well-being of the nation, which helped the ugly Nazi regime to legitimize itself in the eyes of many people as a movement with decent goals and values.

The inequality between genders in personal and social relationships, status, rights and freedoms is an iron-clad undisputed fact of history. This inequality has been strongly in favour of men, and feminism was born as a movement that fought for the progress to eliminate this problem – the inequality.
The claim that a particular movement is against something that is universally recognized as bad (in this case the long history of women's position of inequality) gives a better chance for the necessary legitimacy.

Of course, already at this stage the subtle but important deviations can be noticed: whereas the true feminism fights FOR gender equality in the broad universal ethical context (within which humanity as as a whole will gain from the equality of human life values and dignities, justice, and harmony of relationship between the two halves if humankind), neo-feminism puts more focus on fighting a WAR AGAINST gender inequality (this toxic war-like or militant setting already prepares the contextual stage for creating the label of enemy down the road, personification of the enemy and further radicalization based on “righteous” vengeance and retribution).
After this step neo-feminism gradually and seamlessly shifts the focus towards more radicalization: it transitions to fighting not just against inequality as a social phenomenon formed in the course of history for a number of anthropological reasons, but against a “free-willed collective enemy” - a collective agent that represents an absolute evil – and this collective hostile agent is none less than a substantial part of the male half of the humankind who, ostensibly, on the quiet or openly have continued to maliciously promote and fight for that inequality up to the present day (and, by the way, if the best dreams and wishes of neo-feminism were to be granted, this situation should continue forever).

One collateral problem that neo-feminism political technology encounters at this stage is that the true feminism in the West has actually achieved a lot in terms of equality, before neo-feminism has come on stage. Not only that, but with the natural development of general education in the Western society, exponentially growing connectivity of the people, an increase in general perception of human life value, and change of generations have naturally helped the equalization to progress based on those foundations that were laid before by true feminism.
For example, while in some professions, business structures, governmental positions etc women are still underrepresented, the tendency is as positive as unequivocal, and equalization continues. It is not a instantaneous process of course, not least because only a couple of generations before those strata were totally filled with men and it simply takes time and generations, on the one hand, to establish the notion that those professions/functions are as good and interesting for women as for men, and, on the other hand, allow the new generation of women to go naturally through all the steps that are technically needed to get absorbed in those professions/functions.

Unfortunately the (not so) modern institutions themselves, the continuity of human resource and experience in the institutions are intrinsically not very fast in their change – in almost every aspect of change – and the historical process is measured in generations too, not in years.
Yet all these changes have been occurring and continue to occur, and not due to the claimed fake merits of neo-feminism, but because of the stolen achievements of true feminism that provided the rails for that locomotive of new culture and history to go forward.

This is an inconvenient circumstance that could have weakened the legitimization of neo-feminism. To eliminate this problem neo-feminism had to fabricate a false context, an “augmented reality” in the public mind, from which it would follow that the present situation with the gender equality is almost as bad as it was half a century ago, or even worse. This, in turn, requires warping the socio-ethical space itself, or exploiting the already existing warp. Neo-feminism didn't omit to use the existing ethical crisis and leverage it as much as possible in several ways mentioned below.

In the meantime there are so many ugly symptoms of the neo-feminism that a book would be needed to list and describe all of them. One would think that those neo-feminists, who cry on every corner that they care about the disenfranchisement of women in the western developed countries, would actually spend much more time drawing public attention to what is going on with women, their rights and dignity in those sweet bed-fellows of the Anglo-Saxon West like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan – that's, of course, if those neo-feminists were true feminists who consider the life value of all human beings supreme and equal.
And in the case of those countries (like Saudi Arabia) we are talking about the real deprivation of women of the fundamental freedoms – basically legalized, state-supported and culturally accepted enslavement; we are talking about the real risks for woman's life every day, we are talking about retaliation against women and murdering of women in the form of, for example, so called “honor killings” in their own family BY THEIR OWN FAMILY as a mass phenomenon in broad daylight; we are talking about ubiquitous practice of acid-splashing to mutilate women's faces in countries like Pakistan – pretty widespread practice that in terms of its exquisite monstrosity and cruelty can be matched only by the atrocities and experiments of Nazi regime in Hitler's Germany against large swathes of population.
One would expect the ever-so-intrepid supporters of feminism in the big media, like, for example, the British BBC, to talk and criticize and urge action against those practices in those countries every day and night!! Well, the reality couldn't be further from the truth – nothing of that sort! (in the case of the BBC it is probably because Pakistan or Saudi Arabia with all its ugly practices towards women are big friends of the UK government, and the advocacy of the UK state is of course is a much more important agenda and priority for the “democratic independent and ever so pro-feminism” BBC than protection and defence of millions of women).
Of course if subjected to the true rational tests, neo-feminism loses its sheep's clothing very quick, exposing its wolf's predatory essence and absolute indifference to the real sufferings of women in many regions on the planet.
This is not surprising, because, of course, it has never been the true purpose or intention of the neo-feminism to reduce the sufferings of women and real disparity in rights. Rather the opposite is true: neo-feminism is interested in perpetual never-ceasing problems between the two halves of the humankind so that it can sponge and vulturize on those problems in pursuit of its own political agenda, money-lined pockets and raw political power.

Now let's return to the question of how technically the neo-feminism (or “pseudo-feminism – herein I those terms are used interchangeably) achieves its inglorious political purposes while stealing the identity and the past achievements from the true feminism. Let us try (however emotionally difficult it might be) to put ourselves into the shoes of those absolutely amoral and immoral ideologists who have created in their ideological cauldrons and then spread this neo-feminism through (and thanks to) the increasingly irresponsible media and fanatic thoughtless supporters. How actually have they managed to create this “mental virus” so effectively? What chains, gears and pinions does this ugly “machine of latent civil war between two genders” include to make it work? Let's try to go through some nuts and bolts of this parasite:

First of all, like any political radical ideology it is based on radicalization of the audience (and, eventually, the society itself). The radicalization, in its turn, is based on exploiting the quasi-religious (or really religious) irrational belief in the existence of the absolute evil, hence, the absolute ENEMY of the people (Satan incarnate if you will – an emotional equivalent thereof at least), it is based on creating, amplifying and then exploiting the emotions of fear, hate and vengeance on a social scale, directing them not at an idea or philosophy or phenomenon but at a whole class(es) of people – THE ENEMY – seeking the animalistic satisfaction in an attack on certain people (or even a half of humankind) instead of an attack on ignorance.
Creating an enemy of people, presenting mental pictures of sufferings made by the enemy to exploit fear, stir up hate and vengeance is the first pillar of the neo-feminism just like any other radical malicious ideology (like hitlerism, stalinism, racism etc). Creating the enemy requires dehumanizing the classes of people, depicting them as a cartoon agent of “pure evil” that doesn't have any merits and good intentions, that doesn't have any errors or imperfections, that doesn't feel any human pain, but who does evil out of pure evil intention for the sake of evil satisfaction – this is a very important element of the technology of hate, and the fake feminism has as much prowess at using this technology as many other radical hate-and-fear-based radical ideologies.

The second pillar is creation of a narrative that would start and spread a social perversion: the latter is an absolutely necessary condition for any successful radical ideology because perversion can guarantee the sustainability, self-reproduction and robustness of the virus of radicalism – it perpetuates it and makes it self-reproducible. Perversion consists in creating special conditions in which the outcome of the exploited hate and fear is such that on the one hand it brings on some short-term psychological relief for those “infected” with the virus of hate and fear and, on the other hand, inevitably amplifies the same hate and fear in the long-term, breeding even more, not less, expectation of the same perceived threat (source of fear) in future. It acts like a narcotic that brings the necessary short-term relief to the addict at the same time creating even more compulsive need of it in the longer term.
Perversion creates a self-fulfilling prophesy whereby the provoked reaction force is sustained and psychologically satisfied by the ever-worsening results of that very force, and the “measures” used to solve a “problem” amplify the problem, requiring even more of the same “medicine”, yet the reverse of that vicious spiral is “locked” because the victims of the perversion on the one hand feel a short-term relief after each round of same measures and on the other hand feel an unbearable psychological barrier to any critical revision of the “measures” taken in the past because any such revision would mean acknowledging one's own victimhood of one's own actions, the sense of no personal control and insignificance, lost opportunity over long periods of time, the sense of irreversible loss, failure and guilt having existed for a very long time – sometimes over periods comparable with one's lifetime – which in the mind of the victims of the social perversion would mean that they had been damned to be “bad people by mistake”.

The latter presents an enormously difficult psychological barrier to overcome, and it explains why it is so difficult for thousands of former soldiers who served in wars to even consider or have some doubts that that war was wrong, and, by the same token, it explains why it is so easy for the military machine and the State politicians to create and perpetuate the perversion of war and the virus of militarism in a society and a country, for once started, it self-reproduces, often on an increasing scale in generations.

The third pillar of a sophisticated radical ideology is exploitation of some universally embraced moral value(s), but of course not for the sake of protecting that value but for the sake of the ideology's moral legitimization, trustworthiness and distinction – this pillar is the “sheep's clothing” part. But not any universally accepted values are chosen for that, but some of those that appeal to public sensibilities and arouse emotional reaction the most.
Thus such a value can be (and is) used by neo-feminism as a poster child – certain simple and easily understandable “sacred” values that neo-feminism poses itself as the only custodian of but in fact exploits those values as a shield, just like a cancerous tumour that grows on the life-critical tissues and becomes protected from surgical removal by the mere fact that it is hard to touch it without risk to life.

Just as some terrorist groups sometimes shield themselves with kidnapped innocent people and children to make any attack on them very difficult and seemingly unjustified so does neo-feminism use the “poster-child” method, protecting itself from any rational criticism.
In the process, of course, neo-feminism exploits ruthlessly a selected group of real victims of gender inequality or gender-related crimes, co-opting them and using them as a “live shield” and, at the same time, as a legitimization of itself as the only custodian of the victims – here “MeToo” part comes in.

Because the exploited victims become double victims due to the artificially induced collective perversion (see above “the second pillar”) their exploitation by neo-feminism becomes very firm and self-perpetuating: just like in the case of the so-called Stockholm syndrome (where victims start to be protective of their own kidnappers), even if faced with the evidence that their woes and sufferings have been cold-bloodedly used by neo-feminism for the political purposes, the exploited victims would tend to protect the “parasite” that attached itself to their body as their host.
We will call this pillar a “poster child”

The fourth pillar is fake historical legitimization: neo-feminism proclaims itself as the natural and only heir to the real feminism and its cause. This act is basically the kidnapping of the name and genesis and it gives the neo-feminism in the eyes of the public historical legitimacy: it creates an impression that neo-feminism is not just “a self-proclaimed ruler” that mushroomed out of nothing, but that it is a legitimate inheritor or continuation of something with a recognized and respected historical background.

Now, how are those elements/mechanisms, in a step-by-step process, are practically realized by the cold-blooded architects of the neo-feminism “theology”?

The first step creates the “poster-child” and then uses it to create the first pillar (hate and vengeance). Sometimes a historical opportunity or new conditions are needed for this step and sometimes a technological change can be a necessary catalyst (like sufficient development of the internet-based social connectivity). In the case of the neo-feminism the best possible opportunity was “MeToo” movement (or rather victims that started that movement).

MeToo wasn't intrinsically a feminist phenomenon at the beginning, it was re-defined and hijacked by the neo-feminism pretty soon after. The degree of cultural corruption in corporate business in general and, let's take this pivotal example, in Hollywood in particular had been pretty well-known for years before MeToo started (which doesn't, of course, negate any justifications, rightful motivations and moral necessity for that movement to be started).
One well-known aspect of this corruption consists in the culture of personal profiteering by exploiting the system, corporate positions (and power of those position) with total disregard to any moral values. In this context profiteering or “bribery” in the broadest possible sense means any gains and benefits, including plenty of those that cannot be directly expressed in monetary terms.

The culture of normality of the exchange and commodification of such benefits between persons along the verticals as well as parallels in the corporate structure is another aspect of this corruption and it infected not only those in the higher positions of power but also many of those in the lower positions: the culture of exchange of the benefits became a pretty accepted inter-corporate language, and Hollywood – an especially rotten species – not surprisingly played an especially prominent role in the catalyzing MeToo. It is not surprising that sexual gratification became commodified in this cultural environment a long time ago – so much so that, indeed, such a term as “casting couch” entered the most authoritative dictionaries of the English language, including the Oxford Dictionary with the entry examples like: ‘she was no stranger to the casting couch’ (see

Indeed, as things stand right now in Hollywood, there is little rational doubt that if the majority of men in Hollywood were gay then the attempts to use sexual gratification between men and men would go rampant no lesser degree than in the present heterosexual situation.
It is also of little doubt that this type of corruption, even if not in the same degree, was and is supported from both sides: it is often not the real physical force or duress under the pain of economic hardship and such like that motivates some of the female participants to accede to or even contribute to the establishment of this kind of “sexual barter”, but rather it is things like a chance for an excellent career with a million dollar compensations in future and the temptation of reaching the glitz and glamour of the upper echelons of the Hollywood world and stardom – some gains definitely not belonging to the fundamental rights or life basic necessities or even normal good dignified quality of life.

While the corrupted and sexually perverted Hollywood culture of relationships and corporate culture in general are a huge problem in its own right (as well as the separate problem of socio-sexual perverted culture in the US in general) and needs really serious study and complex treatment, this problem has little to do with the inequality in rights between genders or even discriminatory judgment or chauvinism towards women in terms of considering the fundamental value of human dignity and human life different for the two halves of the humankind (rather the problem is to do with the general depreciation of the human life value and dignity).
And, of course, the core ideologists of neo-feminism know about it all too well. In fact, fake feminism is inherently interested in letting this totally perverted socio-sexual culture (especially strongly blooming in the US) go on forever, because that gives fake feminism an indefinite time and opportunity to parasitize it (just like Pentagon and security agencies parasitize terrorism, bloating their budgets and fortifying their political power, fighting it for appearances of “good cause” and, at the same time, supporting, multiplying and perpetuating it through providing political and military conditions at twice the speed of fighting it).

In a next step, the ideologists of the fake feminism exploited the degree of publicity, furor and the advantage of the social network connectivity in the 21st century to select and leverage the ugliest cases of the bad sexual and corporate culture in the most prominent cultural cesspits like Hollywood, and, at the same time hijack the custody over the victims of those bad cases and mendaciously put the flag of “feminism” over the “hijacked ship.”.

They in a calculated focused way exploited the power of the social media to the fullest to appeal to and capture into the orbit of their propaganda thousands of female victims of bad corporate culture, exploit their trauma (by “rubbing salt into it”) and the natural propensity of victims to crave for moral compensation and relief.
At the same time the neo-feminism created the aura of its moral supremacy and unchallenged purity playing the role of the vociferous and only defender of those victims with the true aim of building the moral monopoly of voice on any social issues and problems that impact women (and sometimes men alike, but that's beside the point for fake feminism), however far those problems can lie from the actual field of the true feminism.

Indeed, suffice it to be a humanist to unequivocally deprecate the bad treatments of women in the corporate culture and honestly look for a rational remedy and solution to those problems, but of course it is precisely the desire to appropriate the ownership – moral monopoly – that motivated the fake feminism to “hijack” the custody of the problems and their victims most of which at their root actually have little to do with gender inequality to start with.

Exploiting the trauma-induced reactions and natural thirst for relief of pain in the victims, the fake feminism first consolidated those victims and their support around itself, totally understanding that after thousands of victims had “subscribed” - put the signatures of loyalty – to the fake feminism custody later it would be extremely hard psychologically for the same victims to repudiate their “membership” of or “loyalty” to that parasite movement because for a victim of bad treatment/experience it is much more difficult than for an unaffected observer to rationally analyze the situation and recognize later that actually the victimhood-induced error of joining the treacherous bandwagon of fake feminism under the influence of mendacious propaganda not only didn't make the reality better but actually made the it worse.

Just as the pernicious ignoble propaganda of militarism implants some specially structured lies in the youth that later are very hard psychologically to repudiate for the victims of those lies (so that wars could be fought indefinitely and the virus of militarism can self-reproduce), so does the pernicious propaganda of the neo-feminism implant its lies through exploiting the suffering-induced natural bias of the victims, so that later it is very hard to recognize the error and repudiate the affiliation with and loyalty to fake feminism.
Indeed, in this sense the female victims of bad treatment often end up being double victims: first because of the bad treatment, and then because their trauma was cynically exploited by the political-power-driven parasitic entities like neo-feminism.

It is not easy for a human being, no matter female or male, to recognize and reconcile oneself with such a lack of control in front of the bad forces of exploitation, but it is even more difficult to do so when a connected community is formed with the loyalties and goals based on deception. Thus, through the creation of perversion, the parasite of the fake feminism perpetuates the loyalty of its main host – the victimized supporters – and uses that loyalty as a “(im)moral” shield and political ram, like an abused child that was hijacked by a second abuser to be twice abused for the political purposes. The same “poster child” is used to galvanize the media that even without “help” nowadays seeks stories that have little to do with reflection of reality and truth, and more to do with sensationalism and vultirism.

The more the victims of bad treatment support the “common cause” (hijacked and presented by neo-feminism), the more of instantaneous psychological relief the victims feel, and, at the same time, the more they do so the more new cases of bad culture and bad treatment appear because, if anything, the fake feminism is interested in the never-ending problems and victims, NOT in real rational studies and recipes of how to lower and eradicate the bad cultures and reduce the number of victims.
In this respect it is not different from, e.g., drug-control enforcement agencies whose financial and political motivation has nothing to do with eradication of drug abuse and drug smuggling, but, on the contrary, it is caused by their drive to continue the never-ceasing apparent fight with drugs and drug dealers wherefore everything is done to perpetuate and, if possible, increase the presence of drugs, drug abuse and drug smuggling.

Yet fake feminism hijacking female victims and consolidating them around itself as the “fake custodian” is not the end step of its parasitic cycle. The control over the victims alone is not enough for its purposes.
The next step is the use of this moral monopoly of custody over the most outstanding victims as a tool of universal moral legitimization of the fake feminism in the eyes of the rest of the society. First, as was mentioned, fake feminism captures the female victims of bad cultures and treatments, wraps them around itself, and uses them as a poster-child. Indeed, in the present climate of the “political correctness” (a specious concept masking a massive attempt to shut the freedom of speech and sow the fear in the hearts of everybody who dares to address and critically study the issues and search for the truths that can be felt as inconvenient or even painful for different groups of people), it is mentally difficult (and not objectively risk-free nowadays) to call into question the morality, intentions and motives of an entity or person who appears to claim its unlimited love, care and assistance towards a large group of weak, victimized and defenceless people – the “poster-child”.

Unfortunately in our (not-so) modern society people still carry those quasi-religious (un)ethical stereotypes according to which declared good intentions are hardly questionable, and for very many people it is still hard to imagine the whole extent of the inhumane cynicism and lies when it comes to the words and acts of political movements and groups, not least neo-feminism ideologists.

After hijacking the female victims and moulding them into the connected community under the umbrella of “feminism” fake feminism uses the female victims as a live shield against any criticism, however rationally justified, not unlike the manner in which the ugly terrorism uses hijacked victims as a live shield to attain its ugly political ends (and, not to forget, terrorism by definition is driven by the political purposes and motives).
Everyone who dares to question the motives, intentions and morality of the fake feminism is immediately at risk of being personally attacked and falsely accused by fake feminism through throwing the mud of mendacious allegations at any such critics to the effect that everyone who dares to criticize it is actually against the true victims and real feminism values. The rational criticism of fake feminism at this stage may inevitably create some form of pain for the said group of victims, but it is so only because neo-feminism took special care before that to condition that group of victims as an integral part of itself in such as a way where any criticism again neo-feminism would be perceived as criticism and cold attack at the victims – at least in the eyes of the victims themselves (just like any fire aimed at kidnappers can be injure the innocent hostages which were lined up by in such a way by the kidnappers as to expose hostages maximally to any attempted fire and make the best live shield out of them).

Now, after the seeds of social perversion have been planted and grown by the neo-feminism, and it has gained the monopolistic custody over the real victims of either real sexism or just inhumane culture and corruption, it starts to use this “poster-child” shield to justify and protect its further expansion: at this stage the neo-feminist task of spreading the virus of antagonism, polarization and moral relativism, and gaining a good army of radicalized “quasi-religious” supporters becomes an easy undertaking.

The underlying false perverted dilemma used by neo-feminism to leverage the conscription of new supporters can be presented in a simplified form like this: “Are you for us or are you against those poor victims? Are you for us or are you against the values of feminism (that they mendaciously quote as their fake feminism property)? Are you for us or do you hate women? Are you for us or are you sexist?”. All these fast and hard methods have been tried and tested so many times by the ugliest radical ideologies before.
The calculated stirring of antagonism, polarization, hate and vengeance against the declared imaginary “absolute enemy” (that in reality can flexibly and conveniently be anyone who dares to say a word of dissent from neo-feminism propaganda) appeal to some of not the best instincts endowed upon us – humans – as a species by mother nature through the previous millions of years of evolution. All of us people have to one degree or another different accumulated stresses, fears and discontents from time to time, and the venting of those discontents in the form of vengeance towards a certain class of people or persons is a tendency that can be inhibited only by the rational education, rational study, collective problem-solving and the forces of social human solidarity – those forces of rational reason and social consciousness that the radical neo-feminism tries to suppress and replace with the forces of blind confused animal instincts alone (that in discussions are very often conveniently called “feelings” or “hurt feelings”, often when it suits inglorious political ends of those who refers to those hurt feelings).

Not thanks to but in spite of the pernicious social harm brought on by the war-seeking-and-wall-building fake feminism in the 21st century, the conquests of the humanism, intrinsically aimed at the recognition of the universal value of human life and the equality of this value for all people of all genders, were impressive in the 20st century and continued to develop in the 21st century against the background of better education, better social connectivity, change of generations with progressively better life experience.

It is not unimaginable that the current trajectory with time will lead to the total – practically indistinguishable in terms of differences – equality of rights between the two halves of the humankind in the developed world and the US, even as measured by the outcomes in terms of the male/female representation ratio in different organizations.
Here it is worthy of note that the equality of outcome is one of the items most heavily exploited by the fake feminism demagogues who like referring to the outcome inequality in a number of cases as an ostensible sign of discrimination, mendaciously refraining from mentioning lots of cultural and socio-economic factors that naturally make the gender representation equalization in different institutions not an instantaneous but gradual process even under the conditions of total equality of rights and attitudes, and, imaginably, even with the preferential opportunities for females; nor do those demagogues hasten to mention that the equality of genders in dignity, abilities and value of life does not mean sameness, and it is nothing else but a religious statement to say that the two genders biologically – evolutionarily, if you like – should be absolutely identically, to the same degree, naturally predisposed to any type of physical and mental activity and, therefore, must needs be represented in absolutely equal relative proportions. Using this quasi-religious dogma as a ground to create preferential conditions for candidates of one gender or the other for positions and jobs in any institutions amounts to nothing else but to equally outright and outrageous discrimination – but that is exactly what neo-feminism promotes, and not without “success”. Well, at the end of the day it is not surprising at all that the fruits coming from the neo-feminist ideological garden actually serve and generate gender discrimination: after all, this is one of the main features of radical political ideologies – falsely declaring some good purpose and appropriating some universal moral value and, at the same time, doing everything possible to perpetuate the opposite of that purpose and that value.

Yet even this total gender equality in rights, positions and attitudes may not solve probably a more topical problem in the 21st century (especially in the US), namely the problem the RELATIONSHIP between the two genders – the two halves of the humankind.

Indeed, it is not so difficult to imagine a situation where in a particular institution or community both sexes enjoy the same rights, the same numerical representation at all levels, the same financial and other institutional positions and treatment, yet, at the same time, both genders do not trust each other, counterpose themselves one to the other, tend to flock together around quasi-religious ideas of their collective masculine and feminine identities existing separately from each other in the atmosphere of a destructively competitive antagonism, copying the worst natural predispositions and inclinations of the opposite sex and neglecting the strong and positive aspects.

This flies in the face of the idea of humanism and one of its domains true feminism: the goal of pulling down the wall between the two sexes and making the social and economic life so much richer and more productive because of the natural complementarity of the male and female halves of humanity. This situation is not only possible but actually probable, taking into account the never-ceasing effort of the fake feminism directed precisely at augmenting and leveraging that kind of perverted tendencies in the relationship between sexes on a social level.

In other words, the triumph of the pure formal feminism (the true one but represented by the formalism of its goals), though commendable, is not sufficient to prevent really bad culture of relationship between the two sexes whereby not the best but the worst aspects of both sexes are brought forth and multiplied by each other.
Put even simpler, formal feminism can prevent formal inequality, but it cannot teach the two sexes to LOVE each other on a social scale, enjoy each other, celebrate each other and see their respective reflection in the collective mirrors of each other in their relationships on a social scale.

One perverted myth, nay, archetype, so much leveraged and exploited (but not invented) by the fake feminism, is that the female and male identities are some “God-given” static things that not only don't depend on the connection and co-existence with the opposite sex, but actually should be preserved by more isolation of sexes from each other. This social toxic perversion of “otherness” and “antagonism” as necessary preconditions for the gender identity, as opposed to complementarity, is cultivated from the very childhood, and predisposes possible toxic relationships on a social scale, lack of inter-sexual empathy, impossibility to see the commonality of things in both sexes and learn from each other in the areas of difference.

The statistics of male sexual assaults, use of sex as a “means of payment” in the corrupted and perverted culture in many institutions, jokes and harassment, are really surrealistically high in the US in the 21st century – one would need to go any further than looking at more than 20 000 sexual assaults every year in the US military (e.g. see, bearing in mind that the statistics of men sexually assaulting men is impressive too and on a steep uphill trend: (

Denmark, a country that boasts one of the best levels of gender equality on Earth, has less than a boast-worthy rape culture (, and, at the same time, has an increase in the domestic and intimate violence against men versus decline of that against women in relative terms ( – that's a good example of how the triumph of pure feminism does little to help society and its peace and prosperity.

Yet, probably this situation where the frequency of intimate violence by women against men becomes the same or higher than the opposite case is 'mission-accomplished' for neo-feminism, which never cared about human life, dignity and the harmonization of gender relations in society. The increase in the total amount of domestic violence and broken lives and relations is no trouble at all for the fake feminism ideology, as long as females learn and use this “art of violence and lies” no worse, and preferably better, than men.
The statistics of domestic violence in Canada have practically reached gender parity, which doesn't make things better nor in terms of the total amount of human suffering, nor in terms of the better happiness of the society due to co-existence and mutual dependence of the two types of human beings – male and female.
In the meantime there's little doubt that the culture of using sex by some females as a weapon of achieving practical benefits (be it career-related things, or “gold-digging” etc) does exist as the other ugly side of the same rotten coin, complementing and leveraging male cultural perversions.

Indeed, it is a really cruel irony that the ultimate gift of mother nature – intimacy that is designed for love and unity between the two halves of humankind, producing family and new life out of love – is used by humans as a weapon of war, as a means of payment, as a subject of cynical jokes and humiliation; and not a single doctrine alone about the formal equality of the two genders in rights and freedoms is going to repair one iota of this kind of perversions, except to equalize them on both sides in relative terms and augment them in absolute terms (which is pretty much the ultimate triumph of anti-human fake feminism).

All these problems have nothing whatsoever to do with discrimination or lack of any fundamental belief in equality of human rights, abilities and dignity, or even lack of equality of outcome in terms of economic and social representation of both sexes (the aforementioned Denmark has reached very good results even in that field, yet it doesn't change other sad gender-related realities in that country).
These problems are only to do with a deep lack of understanding of the human life value, therefrom ensuing lack of empathy, not least to the opposite sex because of even less understanding of the human life value of the opposite sex, both sexes being abundantly capable of falling into this perversion and cynically exploiting each other.
Thus, it is not surprising that the practical result of the fake feminism approach is to only guarantee that all of these evils and flaws, that typically and historically were done and were possible to be done mostly by men, will be done by women to no lesser degree than by men, with the total amount of suffering and destruction brought on society as high as practically possible.

To solve the core problem – the problem of lack of empathy, unity and harmony between the two halves of humanity – any type of formal feminism is not sufficient or even relevant: at best it will help to deter by the force of law – only to a degree – the amount and magnitude of the consequences of the bad culture of relations and social attitudes between the two genders.

Solving this problem is impossible without defeating the extremely harmful archetype (and lie insofar as the fake feminism spreads and entrenches this archetype in society even more) that gender identity is formed without the need of existence of the opposite gender or in an antagonistic opposition to the other gender, and that the normal gender identity is “self-sufficient”, independent of the opposite gender and, therefore, should be developed in isolation from or even in antithetical opposition to the opposite gender.
In simple words, the perverted mendacious archetype that makes women identify themselves as the ones that are NOT men and the ones who are antagonistic to men, and that makes men identify themselves as the ones that are the opposite of women, should be destroyed.

Men cannot really feel fully like men, understand and be completely happy with their own manhood and male identity without seeing their own social reflection in the mirror of the female part of the society and feeling and recognizing the female part of their own nature, and women cannot feel fully like women and understand and be thoroughly happy with their womanhood without seeing their own reflection in the mirror of the male part of the society and feeling and recognizing the male part of their own nature.
Men can really feel and be fully men only when they socially exist with women, and women can really feel and be fully women only when they socially exist with men. WE – MEN AND WOMEN – NEED EACH OTHER TO TOTALLY BE AND FEEL WHO WE ARE AND OUR GENDERS. We cannot be separately men and separately women separately from each other - in a “vacuum”. The existence of women makes men and their social gender identity fundamentally possible, and the existence of men makes women and their social gender identity possible. The two genders are totally entangled within one whole of humankind.

It is not the warped archetype of antithetical insuperable difference that should be placed as the cornerstone of social relationship of the two sexes, but complementarity, learning from each other, mutual enrichment, in which the male part of humanity strives to understand, recognize and enjoy the lesser female part of their own character, and, vice-verse, the female part of humanity tries to understand and develop the lesser male part of their character, both sexes naturally always having some part of their characters “borrowed” from the opposite sex from the very birth as a “special gift of Nature”.
And all those things MUST be inbuilt, as the cornerstone, in the very foundations of the inter-gender relations already in early childhood because if they are not, then no fountains of wisdom, falling on the deaf ears of the ossified adults, no formal conclusions of the ethical philosophy, human right treaties and lectures on feminism will be able to remove self-perpetuating perversions in the relationship between the two halves of humankind.

Only this paradigm can set the ethical and aesthetic pillars not just for tolerant coexistence but for prosperous development and collective social happiness of the two halves of humanity (which, by the way, expresses itself not only on the collective but also on personal and family level).

The two sexes have to be encouraged already in their childhood to love each other, form the right positive expectations towards each other, learn from each other, study each other, treasure each other and care about each other based on the understanding that their very existence and their normal gender identity (as opposed to the perverse one) are critically dependent the opposite sex and on on experiencing their gender reflection in the social mirror of their respective opposite gender. If these normal and natural archetypes aren't created in childhood then they will never be created during adolescence or in adulthood.
It goes without saying that this requires categorical opposition to “clustering” and isolating female kids and make kids in their respective separate environments – “compartments” - even if the walls of those compartments aren't physical or administrative.
Not only that, but this paradigm imperatively demands society to do everything to create maximally mixed environment, where male kids are not just allowed but actively encouraged to interact with and be involved in the female environment and vice verse (which doesn't negate the need to manage that mixed environment).

Unfortunately all this is completely the opposite of what is going on now in reality (probably with very rare exceptions seen in “the 22nd century countries” like Finland).
Children are stuffed into the “Procrustean bed” of artificially made perverted gender identities from the very outset based on the toxic stereotype of oppositeness and otherness in relation to the opposite sex in a whole number of false attributes and rewarded behaviours, ranging from the type of games played to the types of clothes worn, THEIR BODIES AND THE BODIES OF THE OPPOSITE SEX, appearances and images, interests, preferred environment etc etc etc.

Thus, first of all, the creation of damage should be stopped before the above mentioned improvement can be implemented, and that cessation of damage may already automatically solve a lion's share of problems. Let kids themselves develop the sense of what their gender is and how that gender is inextricably connected to the opposite gender, what part of their character actually reflects the characteristics of the opposite sex.
A simple question can illustrate the deplorable state of affairs due to the perverted gender pictures enforced by society on children right from the start: why is it so that in the 21st century even in the so-called developed countries there women have so few friends among men and men have so few friends among women? Why indeed! Definitely not because of the medieval rubbish to the effect that they are so different. While in our age (not different from the medieval times in this respect) may people perceive the rare occasion of normal and deep friendship between a man and a woman as rather an exception and paradox, actually it is the usual familiar reality that presents the biggest paradox – the paradox of almost total absence of normal friendship between men and women in society (indeed, one shouldn't be the shrewdest sociologist to reasonably assume that such friendship would really make so many problems related to lack of intersexual empathy and sympathy and discrimination just non-existent).

From the natural perspective it seems reasonable to expect the opposite situation (more friendship between the opposite sexes than the same): certain differences between men and women in their natural (not culturally induced!) predispositions and characters impart more mutual interest, enrichment and benefits of all kinds to the friendship between individuals of opposite sexes in comparison with the same.
Nor is there any relevant explanation of this “self-created paradox” coming from the childish drivels (or self-fulfilling prophesies) along the lines of accusing the “almighty bad magician” force of sexual attraction that is ostensibly so uncontrolled and feared as to render any friendship between the opposite sexes impossible and threaten the institution of family (indeed, there's not too much to fear in that respect, since that very institution of family has been half-destroyed already, and not by the friendship between men and women but rather by the aforementioned lack thereof).
We, men and women, as fundamentally same human beings, from the very beginning have the same core values, with by far the most of our character being the same, with only some aspects being different – and different conditionally too.
In the overwhelming majority of our interests and requirements we are initially the same, and there doesn't need to be any special labour involved to “build any bridges” for all this common shared ground unless, of course, those bridges are artificially burned in kids by their own families and institutions in our warped cultural environment.

It is not that boys somehow have a natural predisposition to play with toy guns and miniature soldiers and wear pants, and girls somehow have some innate predisposition to play with dolls and wear longer hair and skirts, but it is because society forces on them those false attributes, roles and identities – the WALLS – simultaneously making them feel ashamed or confused if they feel interest in what is artificially segregated as behaviours, appearances and interests ascribed (and prescribed!) to the opposite sex.
Society makes the two halves of new little humans different, so that later this wall of difference may be used to program the self-reproducing toxic antagonism between the two sexes, and “artificial identities” based on that very antagonism and antithetical perceptions.

Society itself builds the ugly WALL between the sexes in kids – poisons them with the toxin of gender antagonism – and then, when they grow into ossified adults with these perverted archetypes, the same society laments through the mendacious mouth and the forked tongue of fake feminism over the problems in the relationship between the two sexes (predominantly lumping all the blame on only one sex too) – that very fake feminism that actually does everything in its power to leverage and augment the deleterious effects of those toxic stereotypes, and does it consciously for its own benefits.

Thus boys and girls in their childhood should be grown in the conditions where they very closely interact with each other and don't develop “artificial” and “warped” gender-identities, but develop naturally their identities that are defined not as something antagonistic to the opposite sex, but something deeply complementary and existentially dependent on the opposite sex.

Though there are some special differences and predispositions characteristic of belonging to one or the other of the two sexes, even those differences and predispositions in one sex are not totally unconditional and “incomprehensible” for the other sex. In other words, even if women have some inclinations and characteristics that “intrinsically belong” to “female nature”, it doesn't mean that men don't have any ability to understand, empathize with, be curious about and enriched with those inclinations and characteristics, and find a reflection of those female characteristics in their own feminine part of their character.

Any boy coming into this world and growing, initially has a certain feminine part of his character – it is not as if there is some “metaphysical” part of female nature totally separated from him forever as if a parallel universe cut off by the event horizon (nor are any girls foreign to even most profound elements of the masculine nature). But it is our semi-barbarian society, not Mother Nature, that depicts and makes the sexes separated as if they are parallel universes (with the self-fulling perverted prophesy of them indeed becoming parallel universes).

Naturally kids aren't (and why should they be?) “gender-monolith” in their character, but boys have more masculine nature and a lesser (but none the less important for that!) part of feminine nature, and girls have more feminine and a lesser part of masculine nature. Those “lesser parts” are the most important bridges to the opposite sex insofar as the character may be gender-specific. Roughly speaking man is not (and why should he be?) supposed to feel as some imaginary mythical “100% man”, but he is supposed to feel as, figuratively speaking, “75% man” and “25%” woman (of course these numbers here are not for quantitative claims but for the qualitative illustration of the idea), and vice-versa.

Thus initially it is not only allowed by nature, but it is in the normal course of nature that girls and boys are and should be naturally very curious towards each other and towards those qualities and parts of nature of each other which each of the two sexes has as the minor part.
There is nothing fundamentally preventing boys from getting interested in playing with dolls with girls, and girls from taking interest in with what we “branded” (figuratively and literally speaking on the brains of our sons) as male toys.

Yet it is society that makes boys feel abnormal or even ashamed regarding that minor feminine part of their nature and character, crippling “the free gifts of nature”in its children and then crippling its throat shouting from the TV screens the front pages of the press about the scandals and atrocious culture of the relationship between these two isolated – “parallel” – gender universes that were separated and stolen from each other from the outset.

Instead of allowing men to become internally even “more of a man” through taking pride in and developing their minor feminine part of nature within the commonly created and mutually enriching mixed gender environment, they are from the very outset are reproached (explicitly or implicitly) for having the traits of character that are rather feminine in nature (the “macho” cult is a special extreme in the manifestation of that theft of the feminine part from men in their childhood, where boys are taught that some “girl's weaknesses” are a shame to male identity).

But if society will recognize the fundamental complimentary, interdependence and oneness of the two genders, and if society will seriously acknowledge that men cannot really be totally “fully realized men” without women, and women cannot be totally women without men and without mutual development of their minor parts of character corresponding to the opposite sex, then most of those problems, that are so mightily parasitized by fake feminism, will naturally vanish.
WE CANNOT BE REALLY MEN AND WOMEN WITHOUT EACH OTHER – we are parts of each other and we contain parts of each other in ourselves.

If we stop fighting mother nature, and we stop this self-perpetuating vicious cycle of cooking and warping gender-identities then the holistic, harmonious and mutually-enriching relationship between the two genders will become equally as possible as natural.
As is often the case, a great part of the solution to the problem mostly lies not in what needs to be done, but in what must not be done, for it is often not the lack of solutions to the problems but the creation of the problems in the first place that brings about deplorable outcomes.


Within the aforementioned context it is still impossible to omit a special, critically important aspect, namely INTIMACY and the ATTITUDE TO BODY. The former – intimacy – is what in Western culture has been replaced with “sex”, totally separating it from love and all the rest of intersexual interactions as if it is something absolutely isolated that bears no relation to all other manifestations of the intersexual relationships, perceptions and their culture.

We still live in the semi-barbarian and semi-infantile society (and barbarianism and infantilism often go hand in hand) where for many parents it is still much easier to explain to their little sons in their childhood how wars are fought and how guns work and how they kill people, than how a new life is conceived out of love (and, ideally, for the sake of love), how the birth of new life takes place, and what the ultimate gifts of nature and triumphs of billions of years of evolution are that make it possible for girls to develop, bring into the world and nurture a new life made “out of love”.

Indeed, we still live in a society and in a world where many parents feel much more confident and comfortable explaining to their little kids what war and death are than what love and birth of new life are.
In many ways, the society is still much more afraid of LOVE AND LIFE, then of WAR AND DEATH.

We still live in a barbarian infantile society where probably as much as 50% of jokes and humour – be it on the level of everyday social interactions or institutionalized TV shows, books etc – are tied to the theme of sex and those parts of human body that mother nature developed through millions of years of evolution to make love, new life and even those very two genders possible to exist.

It is amazing how many jokes can be seen and heard already in the kindergarten, let alone school, in relation to the opposite sex, the body of the opposite sex. Well, if already in the childhood the disrespectful, cynical and joking attitude is cultivated towards the opposite sex, the body of the opposite sex, the intimacy and the adult intimate relationship, how can society seriously hope that the institution of marriage and family is going to be good, firm and happy, and that the leprosy of sexual crimes, assaults and commodification of sex in institutions is going anywhere any time soon?

Not only that, but the very nature of these jokes, and even a goodly part of the idiomatic English language is of a really bad nature that presents a mixture of contempt, fear of weakness, lack of control and exposure, denigration and defiance to the most profound force of nature inbuilt in our bodies and minds. That very force and those same mental and bodily mechanisms responsible for love, family, birth of new life and social cohesion are still actually feared and ridiculed (out of fear), not embraced and celebrated. That subprime creative force is perversely used not to create a more empathetic, hence, happier and more peaceful society, gluing the two genders, but as a weapon, a self-inflicted curse, a monetized tool in political and corporate world, and this status-quo is equally accepted and supported by both sexes.

We still live in a society that mendaciously prides itself on ostensibly recognizing and even celebrating the revealing truths discovered by the genius of Sigmund Freud, whereas in fact the latter wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry (or both) at how in substance all those truths were perverted, hypocritically put on a pedestal only to avoid putting them into effect for the benefit of the society.

Is it those thousands of sexual assaults at the American Military Academies that are the ultimate fruit of the so-called sexual revolution and emancipation?! Is it this massive avalanche of porn and pornographic culture on the Internet that shows the triumph of the sexual revolution in the West, especially in the Anglo-West? Is it the ever-increasing amount of sex-tourism and sex-trafficking/slavery of immigrants and immigrant teenagers that is supposed to demonstrate the glory of the sexual liberation and enlightenment in America?! Or is it because Freud's teaching was wrong? Well, it seems to be the opposite: it is because Freud's teaching has never been really put into work, and. instead, a grotesque chimera, an ugly hybrid has been built based on some cherry-picked Freudian recipes combined with the old Christian archetypes when it comes to the questions of intimacy and fundamental attitude towards body.

Indeed, in this situation, it would be surprising NOT to see those cultural perversions en mass that manifest themselves in the aforementioned sexual assaults, using sex as a bargaining or political tool, a coin for exchange of services etc in the corrupt social and institutional cultures. In both these paragraphs the term “sex” indeed is more than justified by the context as opposed to the term “intimacy”.

When girls and boys are in their early childhood they can't understand neither the monumental doctrines of humanist philosophers, nor the history and meaning of human rights, nor the essence of the true feminism teachings and such. Hence when boys and girls have already grown up into adults who can formally understand those doctrines and teachings, none of all this corpus of humanist literature and knowledge is going to change their attitude towards each other and their own sex, because by this point of time it is too late.
No true feminism movement (let alone fake feminism), no legal bounds, no institutionalized propaganda are able to change those deepest archetypes about the value (or rather lack thereof) of human life and its dignity and beauty, including the value of the life of the opposite sex. Once the fundamental attitudes and expectations towards the opposite sex and the body of the opposite sex have been mangled in the early childhood, no political noise, philosophical treaties or fear-based teeth of law are going to change or “rewire” this “perversely hardwired mental program”.

All these archetypes are formed in early childhood in the existing cultural environment, and the attitude to body, including the body of the opposite sex, plays a fundamental role in this process – definitely it is not the works of Freud or Voltaire that are the source of love or hate or fear towards the opposite sex and its body.

The opposite is also true: if since the dawn of their childhood most children had been conditioned (or rather allowed) to develop deeply positive and, actually, natural, expectations from and attitudes towards the opposite sex, so that boys and girls would see each other and each other's bodies as the very precious source of happiness and joy of their life and, even more importantly, their future adult life, then we probably would neither need nor see any feminism (which would not upset true feminists, by the way), let alone the fake feminism.
For that to happen it is not enough just to provide the usual social and physical exposure of the kids of opposite sexes to each other, but it is imperative to make such exposure, not least in their minds, the prevailing norm, so much so that children's friendships and social interactions with the opposite sex should be more encouraged and praised than those between the same sexes. It requires reviewing and turning upside down what we see as “natural” and accepting that it is not natural for girls to cluster with girls and boys cluster with boys to a higher degree and over longer times than sharing time together in their childhood.

It is not enough just to provide to kids the dry knowledge and education about “sex” as some inevitable corollary or aspect of adult life, but it is imperative to provide the knowledge about the intimate relationship (as opposed to “sex” which in the perversion of the Western culture became the same as or substitute for intimacy) and FORM DEEPLY POSITIVE ATTITUDES AND EXPECTATIONS AND OPTIMISM in kids in regard to the sacred role of intimacy in their future life and the sacred role of the body of their own and the opposite sex in their their future life and their future happiness.

Kids in their childhood start to develop the concept of value of human life and of their own life through, among other important things, their own body, parental interaction and caress, and if there is an ugly gap between what kids understand and perceive as love and the dry information - “education” - about “sex” (instead of intimacy which is not something fundamentally different from the intimacy between kids and their parents) then the chances are perverted stereotypes will be developed about the opposite sex, its body and intimate relationship with it.

Thus it is not enough just to teach kids about “sex”, but it is imperative to teach them about the intimacy as a form of caress and expression of love, so that the very ethical and aesthetic context of this critically important education is based on cultivating in kids the vision of intimacy as the form of respecting, loving and delivering caress to the opposite sex through the intimate interaction, and not as some totally isolated form or “parallel reality” to the caress that they – kids – experience in their normal interactions with parents and each other.

if neo-feminism was really interested in mitigation and elimination of the amount of suffering and pain created by the bad perverted culture of the relationship between the two halves of the humankind, it would really study rationally the roots of the problem and be busy with destroying the walls between the two sexes instead of erecting them.

But, of course, as was mentioned before, neo-feminism is doing the complete opposite because its cynical “cannibalistic” objective is the opposite: triggering and flaming the never ending “civil war” between sisters and brothers, sons and mothers, wives and husbands, against which background its faked nice intentions would give them more raw political power in society and its institutions.