Phil Mirzoev's blog

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The US Doesn't Want a Hot War With China, It Wants Cold War II: the US provokes wars between China and Taiwan, Russia and Ukraine for same reason

In my previous post The war between Russia & Ukraine: It's all about Europe & the US effort to impose its Cold War II agenda on it I wrote about the main motivations, that, in my view, drove the US to create the conditions for and make possible the war between Ukraine and Russia.

Here I'd only like to add to the above post the Taiwan/China aspect, so that the effort of the US State to trigger a war between China and Taiwan shouldn't be seen as a separate development, but just another facet of the same agenda: the US effort to design and realize its imperative project of a new Cold War - Cold War II.

In order to clarify that the US provocation of China/Taiwan military conflict is the other side of the same coin as its design and provocation of Ukraine/Russia war, here I give my recent letter addressed to a friend of mine where I touch upon this subject:

This is a political question, and not a simple one. Very often the reactions are based on the assumption that the US somehow wants and NEEDS Ukraine to win (or at least not totally to lose). But this premise in itself is not closed to debate at all - what the US wants or doesn't want.
One (and probably most common) view among those few honest observers who try to dissect what's going on in Ukraine and motives behind it posit that the US of course knows that the biblical tale about David vs Goliath isn't going to work in reality, and that the US wanted just to wear out Russia, hoping that the economic toll in conjunction with the sanctions (for which this war was programmed to be a surefire excuse) would wear out Russia economically and weaken it, together with the regime in the long term.

I myself am not jumping even to this conclusion. In my view the US is interested in a new Cold War, in which Europe should be maximally de-coupled and set against both Russia and China, and where the US can again become a supreme protector of the old granny Europe who, in its turn, would become as politically dependent on the US as it was in 1970s (the question why, in my view, the US needs a new Cold war is a separate very deep topic - see my post

From this point of view, we can easily imagine that Washington does expect and, more importantly, might have expected from the get-go that Russia will win, that Ukraine may be tragically destroyed in the process and even cease to exist in the form and shape it's been known, and that Russia MAY NOT even suffer economically because of that.

But if that happens what would the the played-out "lesson"  - the demonstration - to the rest of Europe? Well, quite possibly it will demonstrate to Europe (the EU in particular) that they should fear Russia ALL THE MORE because of that, feel their own weakness and helplessness even more because of that, and rely on Uncle Sam and do what he says even more.

The situation we see in Taiwan. The US has no desire to wage a kinetic war with China, nor does it likely believe that Taiwan stands a cat in hell's chance of winning China or retaining its independence. No is the US too worried that China may not suffer any serious economic or human price from taking over Taiwan - this is something that's completely missed even by what few are left independent observers and analysts.

The US, creating a military action in the region, wants to strike fear in the Asian neighbors of China, distrust to China, more alienation from China, and more reliance on and obedience to the United States, so that they all can be reliable subservient allies in the Cold War II with China. And the Cold War, unlike the hot one, is an economic war, with economic methods, waged by economic means and for economic ends. The US wants to disrupt the development of China.

And on the other hand, the Chinese possible military action towards Taiwan, provoked by the US, will also impact Europe - on top of what the Russian/Ukrainian war did. So that Europe, who under usual circumstance would have been extremely reluctant to be the US partner in an economic war against China, would have little choice but obediently side with the US, even though it will cost it its own economic development on top of the huge burden Europe is already paying for its support of the American policy on Russia.
The US doesn't want and isn't going to pay anything - it is Europe and its Asian allies who are going to pay for this US project - the World War II, which is the only chance, however small but still the only one, for the US to preserve itself in the form of neo-Empire a bit longer.

By the way, economic weakening of Europe in this process may not necessarily be considered as something negative by Washington either, to whom economically Europe may present much more of a competitor than an ally in the 21st century. That is to say, if as a result of the Cold War II not only China will suffer an economic breakdown/setback, but also the American ally Europe  - so much the better it might be in the American calculus!

As I said many times, this whole story about Ukraine and Russia, in my view, has very little to do directly with Ukraine and Russia, and has everything to do with EUROPE and what the US wants Europe to be and to do...
The Uncle Sam, in my view, is fucking Europe w/o any foreplay, and, by the way, I should say it's been doing it for quite a while starting with Iraq war and continuing non-stop throughout the first two decades of the 21st century. Who is the stupidest party in all this story? It's not the US, it is EUROPE!

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